Radhe Radhe
Niyama-seva Adivas Kirtan
Das Goswami Samadhi - Radhakund 13.10.05 ( 7 - 9 pm )
http://www.jayasriradhe.com/festivals/13.10.05 www.jayasriradhe.com
I'd like to thank Yugal for keeping everyone up to date with the festivals going on at Radha-kunda. While not as elaborate as some of the videos I've worked on with Lake of Flowers, they have the great advantage of being delivered in a timely manner, which I am certain all Vaishnavas greatly appreciate. (And, uploading anything beyond 10 MB at Radha-kund is already a major feat, unlike with my 8/1M pipe at Finland!)
The parrots chirp that there's a visual and structural revamp coming up at the JayaSriRadhe website sometime soon. We are keenly looking forward to that. If someone has an extra penny to share, do drop in something to Yugal's PayPal account, too -- He's pretty broke, as are a good many others who spend too much time on things like this.