Discussions specifically related with the various aspects of practice of bhakti-sadhana in Gaudiya Vaishnavism.
Worshiping deities? -
Openmind - Wed, 29 Oct 2003 16:30:09 +0530
I would like to serve Gaura-Nitai Deities in my home, wooden Deities, if possible. Nobody I know goes to India in the close future. Do you happen to know anyone I could contact?
Thank you.
Openmind - Sun, 16 Nov 2003 13:36:55 +0530
It seems that obtaining Deities is nearly impossible unless you are in India. I though that Jagannath Deities would be easier to obtain, but no way. The only source was a center in Texas who informed me that they only have Deities to be repaired and repainted...
Any ideas?
Advaitadas - Sun, 16 Nov 2003 13:43:12 +0530
Sorry for being intrusive, but do you know how to worship deities? Have you learned sadacara? Are you initiated into mantras that you need for serving them? Are you able to dress, bath and feed them every day without fail? Do you have replacements for if you are absent or ill? Did your Guru give you an arcana paddhati?
Openmind - Sun, 16 Nov 2003 13:49:28 +0530
I heard from several sources that Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai's worship is available to everyone asThey take no offenses, unlike the worship of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. Even if there is no regular worship, the spiritual benefit is great. Of course, installed Deities in temples are a different thing.
You heard or read a different version?
Advaitadas - Sun, 16 Nov 2003 14:28:54 +0530
In Advaita Prakash, chapter 20, is the story how Gauridas Pandit invited Advaita Prabhu's son Acyuta to install his Gaur Nitai deities -
"When Gauri dasa Pandita installed his famous Gaura-Nitai deities at Ambika Kalna, he went to Prabhu Sitanatha for advice on the installation. He offered his obeisances unto Sitanatha's lotus feet and Prabhu Sitanatha inquired about his welfare. "O My child, why have you come here?", He asked him, and Gauridasa told Him the whole story from beginning to end. Sitanatha said: "My child, you are very fortunate, for you have carved a deity of Gaura and Nityananda. It will be My fortune to install Them, go and prepare the proper ingredients." Hearing this, Sri Acyuta spoke with folded hands: "O Prabhu, grant me permission to go to Ambika. Please tell me in truth which mantras to use for meditation and formal worship (dhyana and puja), without hiding anything from me.” Sitanatha laughed and said: "I don't know whether you know, but Krsna has Personally advented Himself in the land of Nadiya, covering His whole body with Radha's bodily complexion, just as a person appears different when he covers himself with a garment. Thus the meditation on Gaura is performed with Gopala's 10-syllable mantra. Worship Radha as the covering of Krsna and your worship will be successful without a doubt. Nityananda must be worshipped with Narayana-mantra — thus your worship will reach perfection and you will become very happy."
From this it is clear that there is no difference between Gaura-Nitai and Radha Krishna worship. Gaura is Krishna, who else?
Madhava - Sun, 16 Nov 2003 17:18:21 +0530
QUOTE(Openmind @ Nov 16 2003, 08:19 AM)
I heard from several sources that Sri Sri Gaura-Nitai's worship is available to everyone as They take no offenses, unlike the worship of Sri Sri Radha-Krishna. Even if there is no regular worship, the spiritual benefit is great. Of course, installed Deities in temples are a different thing.
You heard or read a different version?
If you read Bhakti-sandarbha, it is evident that arcana and diksa are closely connected to each other. Diksa is the beginning of arcana.
Openmind - Sun, 16 Nov 2003 17:58:08 +0530
Correct me if I am wrong, but according to my informations in India even little children are given Deities to worship, mostly Laddu-Gopal, and I really doubt that these little Rajivs have any higher initiations than my Harinam Diksa, maybe they have no initiation at all, or even if they do, what is their understanding of it? Srila Prabhupad also received Radha-Krishna Deities from his Gaudiya Vaishnava father when he was a teenager and he worshipped them for years. It is a very general custom that even children worship Deities, of course, their (and my) worship may differ from the worship rendered by a pure devotee, but we have to start somewhere. I do not consider myself any inferior to the 14 years old Rajiv Singh in India, so if God accepts his humble service, why would He refuse mine? My only disqualification would be that I am white?
Advaitadas - Sun, 16 Nov 2003 18:31:41 +0530
I do not consider myself any inferior to the 14 years old Rajiv Singh in India.....My only disqualification would be that I am white?
Forgive me for sounding stern, but this is really not the tone Rupa and Sanatana had when they
voluntarily stayed out of the Jagannath Mandir in Puri. Humility is the ornament of the Vaishnava.
Correct me if I am wrong, but according to my informations in India even little children are given Deities to worship, mostly Laddu-Gopal, and I really doubt that these little Rajivs have any higher initiations than my Harinam Diksa, maybe they have no initiation at all, or even if they do, what is their understanding of it?
Are these little Rajivs in India Gaudiya Vaishnavas? There are as many kinds of worship in India as there are Hindus. In the Gaudiya Sampradaya, however, of which this site is a clarion, diksa is required for arcana. It is the edict of Haribhakti Vilas and Bhaktisandarbha.
Srila Prabhupad also received Radha-Krishna Deities from his Gaudiya Vaishnava father when he was a teenager and he worshipped them for years.
Abhay C. De had diksa from a family guru when he was 12.
Gaurasundara - Mon, 17 Nov 2003 09:12:56 +0530
Oh great. Someone I know is no longer able to take care of his Gaura-Nitai Deities and has agreed to send Them to me. I am hoping that They will come into my humble home soon so that I can worship Them, love and serve Them.
And now I need diksa for that? Oooh.. and in the meantime, Gaura-Nitai will lie neglected?
adiyen - Mon, 17 Nov 2003 09:39:02 +0530
QUOTE(Vaishnava-das @ Nov 17 2003, 03:42 AM)
Oh great. Someone I know is no longer able to take care of his Gaura-Nitai Deities and has agreed to send Them to me. I am hoping that They will come into my humble home soon so that I can worship Them, love and serve Them.
And now I need diksa for that? Oooh.. and in the meantime, Gaura-Nitai will lie neglected?
Surely if the Lord comes to you, you must receive Him and respect him as your means allow, not neglect. At least in Puri
someone is looking after Him!
But see the subtle pressure here to get Diksha, Vaishnavaji. It is all part of the plan we hatched to 'round you up' and claim you for our 'camp'!
As we used to say in Iskcon after the Sunday feast lecture when no-one asked any questions:
'OK, lock the doors and get out the hair-clippers!'
Gaurasundara - Tue, 18 Nov 2003 07:51:42 +0530
QUOTE(adiyen @ Nov 17 2003, 04:09 AM)
But see the subtle pressure here to get Diksha, Vaishnavaji. It is all part of the plan we hatched to 'round you up' and claim you for our 'camp'!
Ooh-er! Methinks it's time to leave!