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Why Radhapada? - Why did you lead kirtan on Janmastami?

Radhapada - Fri, 12 Sep 2003 04:10:08 +0530
i heard from people that you performed several times the Janmastami-festival- bhajan-kirtan-seva in Switzerland (Zurich-Temple, ISKCON). strange for me to do so.

The Zurich temple is a unique 'ISKCON' temple. The last time I was there they fired the GBC in charge because he was against devotees reading books outside of ISKCON. At that time they neither had any intentions of getting a new one. The community there was hit very hard some years ago by Harikesh's leaving his post as guru. The majority of devotees since then have picked up the pieces and moved on. I have many friends with whom I served along with when I lived there. We all went through a lot, happy and sad, and so they kindly have invited me over the years for the Krsna Janmastami festival to sing kirtan.

However, I was simply one part of many other souls who are invited each year to do their bit in glorifying Sri Krsna there. Among them are members of an impersonist mission, Tamil brahmanas, acclaimed Hindu singers and percussionists, Bharam Natyam dancers, Shaivites and a Franciscan friar who enjoys Sri Krsna's teachings in Gita. I must admit, I do have a great time there because you can sense the open-mindedness amongsts the devotees there. They're all searching for Krsna and they do it within a healthy environment of openness to other spiritual paths.