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Discussions specifically related with the various aspects of practice of bhakti-sadhana in Gaudiya Vaishnavism.

How to begin the practice of bhakti? -

Hare Krishna - Fri, 22 Aug 2003 18:32:04 +0530
Radhe Radhe,
I am in Krishna conciousness for the past 2 years.But i am not able to chant even 1 round of mahamantra with devotion.I dont have any taste for that.I dont know how to start.So please help.I am completely new to this.So please forgive any offences commited.

your unworthy servant

Anil Nair.
Mina - Fri, 22 Aug 2003 20:51:02 +0530
Welcome to these discussions, Anil.

It is actually not a difficult process, this path of bhakti. It does help to learn it under the guidance of a qualified guru. Such a teacher will be able to demonstrate that they come in an unbroken Vaishnava parampara (chain of disciplic succession).

Not to worry, everyone starts out as you have. I am sure you must already be acquainted with the ten offenses to avoid while chanting the maha-mantra. That is the key to chanting with devotion.

Just the simple fact that you have been able to stick with it for two years says something about your determination.

As far as how to begin, don't worry so much about trying to chant the recommended 64 rounds minimum daily, or even the reduced number of 16 rounds. If you can just do a single round each day, that is a good start. Just find an amount that you are able to maintain from day to day. Try to spend at least a half hour each day reading some devotional literature to inspire you. Seek out a suitable guru. If you don't find a guru you want to take initation from, at least try to find a siksa guru to give you some instruction and guidance. There are plenty of such people here, so don't hesitate to ask all of the questions that are on your mind.

I find that sometimes it is good to perform some relaxing meditation to calm the mind before chanting japa. Too much stress and anxiety make it difficult to focus. Astanga yoga is very good for this purpose, as is Tai Chi (often called moving meditation). Heck, you could even do some aerobic exercise like jogging or whatever, as many people find that such activity relieves stress and anxiety very effectively.
from Sudh - Sat, 23 Aug 2003 20:21:49 +0530
I know we all have our busy lives and we have no time to chant.

Atleast you have the desire to chant and that will make krishna happy.

The best way to bhakthi is to first make it a mechanical aspect of our lives.
Vaidhi bhakthi : I recommend just 2 slokas of any kind and lighting incense... thats how I started it . biggrin.gif

When this becomes a part of our daily life.. just a 10 min prayer then we start to develop bhakthi for krishna.

After we develop this bhakthi, it is easier to make ourselves chant the holy name.

I am no expert but I hope this helps rolleyes.gif
Madhava - Sat, 23 Aug 2003 22:04:55 +0530
QUOTE(Hare Krishna @ Aug 22 2003, 01:02 PM)
Radhe Radhe,
                  I am in Krishna conciousness for the past 2 years.But i am not able to chant even 1 round of mahamantra with devotion.I dont have any taste for that.I dont know how to start.So please help.I am completely new to this.So please forgive any offences commited.

I suggest you get acquainted with the theology of the holy name, read about how the holy names and the named, Sri Krishna, are nondifferent, and so forth. Do not just "chant", think about Sri Radha and Krishna, their qualities, pastimes and so forth, pray to them.
Anil Nair - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 19:33:48 +0530
Radhe Radhe,
A million thanks to everyone sri's for answering my question.Thats actually mercy which i dont deserve.But i will defiantely try to implement the steps .And please pray for me thats a humble request.Thanks a lot and i will be asking questions. Please guide me.

Hare krishna
Mina - Sun, 24 Aug 2003 20:53:13 +0530
I don't mean to get pedantic Anil, but when I said to use the address of Sri, I meant to use it like Mr. as a prefix to someone's name. Ji is the suffix that is used. For example: Sri Haridas or Haridas Ji or Srimati Lalita (feminine honorific address). If you just want a generic address without using the person's name, then instead of using Prabhu as you were before you can use bhai (brother) or bon (sister) or dada (elder brother) or didi (elder sister). If someone is clearly a superior by age or rank, then baba (father) or mata (mother) would be appropriate. Vaishnavas don't address each other as Prabhu (Lord) or Maharaj (great king). Sri by itself designates the Goddess Lakshmi, Lord Vishnu's consort. I hope this clarifies it for you.