Discussions specifically related with the various aspects of practice of bhakti-sadhana in Gaudiya Vaishnavism.
Non-continous relish - during smaranam,chanting ...
Som - Tue, 02 Jul 2002 13:43:07 +0530
Jai Radhe Krishna!
I have a query regarding the relish experienced during smaranam, chanting...
The question is :
Sometimes it is very much noticable and sometimes it is there a little bit and sometimes it is totally absent... Why it is so? I am quite sure that it is Krishna's mercy which enables the sadhaka to taste the nectarean bliss... But why sometimes there is no relish at all?
Prabhus please throw some light on this...
Jai Kishori Kishore!
Radhapada - Tue, 02 Jul 2002 17:13:29 +0530
You asked why a sadhaka sometimes experiences a relish and sometimes not. The stages of bhajana have been outlined previously by Raga. First there is faith, taking shelter of Guru, practicing bhajan under the guidence of Guru and sadhus, then anarthas gradually disappear, steadiness in bhajan, then taste, and so forth. While there still remains obstacles within the heart in the form of anarthas, offenses and so forth, the relish is experienced and sometimes not. Obstacles are like clouds that block the sun of Krsna bhakti to descend within the heart. As the obstacles within the heart are destroyed in bhajan then more and more can the sadhaka experience the relish of devotion to Sri Hari as it gradually makes its appearance in the heart.
Yes, it is Krsna's mercy that the sadhaka attains bliss in bhajan, but that is the nature of bhakti because bhakti consist of Krsna's very own spiritual potency which provides God with ananda, hladini shakti. So the devotee attains the grace of God, just like a King who shares his wealth with the citizens.
Som - Tue, 02 Jul 2002 18:16:27 +0530
Jai KunjaBihari!
Thanks for the answer Radhapada prabhu!
I am sure about the necessity of sadhu-sanga and accepting a Guru. Whatever little sadhu-sanga I get I try to grab it. And I surely would like to accept a Guru one day.
But, the problem now is still I am involved with materially conscious people rather than Krishna conscious people.
So, is'nt it the case that unless there's is a 24 hour sadhu-sanga and a person resides in Vrindavan only then there will be a continuous relish? (As the person will always hear and chant the glories of Sri Hari in association of the sadhus)
Otherwise there always will be the pull of maya, leading to anartha thinkings.. Is'nt it?
Jai GopijanaVallabha!
Her's - Tue, 02 Jul 2002 23:34:41 +0530
What's relish without a little mustard? Besides they're both only condiments! Go for the essence and cling to Her not for what She can give to you, but what you can do for Her. JAI RADHE!
Radhapada - Wed, 03 Jul 2002 03:28:26 +0530
To entirely give up one's connection with the affairs of the material world and completely take shelter of bhajan 24 hours a day is a high level. One must start somewhere. A minimal, but regulated performance of bhajan after having taken shelter of a sat Guru goes a long way than not having the shelter of Guru and waiting for the big moment in one's life to totally surrender all of ones time and energy for bhajan in one bang. It is not possible to go into 4th gear of the car if one hasn't even gotten to the second gear. Bhajan is attained through progression. There is no jumping into advance stages without attaining the lower stages. Rupa Goswami has given the scientific progression, step by step. Of course, if one does decide to take shelter of a sat Guru for accepting initiation into the path of bhajan, one should be prepared to make some room in one's life to worship Sri Radha and Krsna through the different forms of bhajan that one will receive from the Guru. Otherwise, there is no progress.
Certainly it is ideal to live in Vraja dhama where the facility is there to take the company of raganuga saints. At least one should spend a good amount of time there to learn what is sadacar, teachings, bhajan techniques, and just plain get the mercy of the dust of Vrndavana, the holy waters of Yamuna and Radha Kunda. Bhajan is up to one to practice. Peer pressure goes up to a certain point. One must be determined to serve Radha and Krsna till taste is attained, then it becomes natural, like a greedy person who can't live without the thing he greeds for. However, the acaryas have mentioned that if one cannot live in Vraja physically, then one should live there in one's mind.
Som - Wed, 03 Jul 2002 13:19:37 +0530
Jai Radhe Krishna!
To Her's:
I agree fully with you Her's! Your view is really APPRECIABLE! I'll try to follow that..
At this moment I remember the famous Bhagavad Gita verse:
Karmanye vadhikaaraste maa phaleshu kadaachanaa,
Maakarma phalaheturbhur maa te sangotsva akarmane.
(Doing work without expecting results)
To Radhapada prabhu:
A minimal, but regulated performance of bhajan after having taken shelter of a sat Guru goes a long way than not having the shelter of Guru and waiting for the big moment in one's life to totally surrender all of ones time and energy for bhajan in one bang.
I agree with you, but if bhajan is performed without shelter of Guru, it won't be fully effective. Is'nt it? I am trying to devote any of my spare time after work in bhajan (Of course, this is possible only due to Sri RadhaKrishna's grace!)
Of course, if one does decide to take shelter of a sat Guru for accepting initiation into the path of bhajan, one should be prepared to make some room in one's life to worship Sri Radha and Krsna through the different forms of bhajan that one will receive from the Guru.
Is there any process of accepting a sat guru?
One must be determined to serve Radha and Krsna till taste is attained, then it becomes natural, like a greedy person who can't live without the thing he greeds for.
Determination to serve Radha Krishna I'm trying to develop by the grace of Them. But the taste comes and goes, which causes a bit of decrease in determination sometimes...
However, the acaryas have mentioned that if one cannot live in Vraja physically, then one should live there in one's mind.
I agree FULLY!
Radhapada - Wed, 03 Jul 2002 18:07:46 +0530
Undoubtly, the process of hearing, chanting, remembering Sri Krsna's name, form, quality and pastimes, as well as parikrama of the holy places are purifying to the heart and awakens attraction to Krsna. However, without accepting the shelter of Guru these activities will not bear the desired fruit, prema.
Is there any process of accepting a sat guru?
I'm not clear what you mean. But generally speaking one should first understand the qualities of sat Guru, the necessity of taking shelter of one and then seek one. Enquiry from Vaisnavas helps regarding who is available in giving shelter, giving diksa and so forth. Although there are many high souls in the Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya from different parivars such as Nityananda, Adwaita, Gadadhara, Narottama parivars, ect. not all will be willing to give initiation. One would have to spend some time after finding a qualified Guru, ask questions, and so forth and request diksa. Some devotees request just a Hari nama initiation first and then diksa later. Then after that siddha pranali. In any case, a Hari nam initiation is a big start, as well as receiving the tilak of the sampradaya, Tulasi neck beads and a sadhaka name.
Determination to serve Radha Krishna I'm trying to develop by the grace of Them. But the taste comes and goes, which causes a bit of decrease in determination sometimes...
Don't give up no matter what you do. It is hard sometimes due to the various obstacles in our hearts. But think of this way: It is harder to live a life of forgetfulness of Sri Radha-Krsna and be tossed and turned in the waves of maya, especially after coming this far.
anuraag - Sat, 09 Jul 2005 20:13:33 +0530
Is there any process of accepting a sat guru?
Determination to serve Radha Krishna I'm trying to develop by the grace of Them. But the taste comes and goes, which causes a bit of decrease in determination sometimes...
While remembering Radha Krishna and meditating on Their Divine form, you have to chant Their name, virtues and leelas with tears of love and longing, and with a deep desire to receive Their Divine vision and Divine love. During devotion, loving meditation on Their form is most important. You may form Their image in your own mind. According to your liking, you may take the help of a Deity or a picture of Radha Krishna. But, whatever form you create in your mind, you must imbue Divine feelings in that because the body of Radha Krishna is always Divine and Blissful.
You can choose any form of Krishna (or Radha) from a newly born baby up to sixteen years of age and mentally decorate that form according to your desire and choice.
Along with the meditation on His form you should also remember His loving leelas and His virtues, just like: He is the true friend of every humble soul (deenbandhu) and a true companion to every fallen soul (patit pavan).
All the names, virtues, leelas, abodes and the rasik Saints of Radha Krishna are totally synonymous.
You should not have any worldly desire or even the desire of liberation.
You must only desire for His Divine love and His Divine service.
You should always think that your Divine Beloved (Radha Krishna) and your beloved Master are always with you and are protecting you.
Never ever think that you are alone.
All the time in your heart you must remember the name ‘Radhey Shyam’ or
‘Radhey Radhey.’
You have to keep yourself away from damaging thoughts and bad associations.
They are: looking to another person’s fault;
criticizing other devotees; desire for popularity;
disappointment in devotion; laziness in doing devotions;
and friendliness with such worldly people whose
association may spoil your devotional feelings.
You have to keep yourself away from all spiritual transgressions related to the name, form, leelas, virtues, abode, associates, and the Divine love of Radha Krishna.
‘Only They are my everything,’ this feeling has to be strengthened in the mind.Message From Jagat Guru Kripalu Ji MaharajThe Main support and Natural Disposition of Practical DevotionSurrender to the Rasik Saint