LAKE OF FLOWERS - NEWSNew footage availableA great deal of new material has been added since our opening announcement. In the Vraja Festivals series, you'll find the following new entries in both DVD and VCD quality footage:
- Nityananda Trayodasi
- Siddha Baba of Ranabari
- Siddha Baba of Surya-kunda
- Vasanta Panchami
- Sri Priyacharan Das Babaji's Tirobhava
- Advaita Saptami
- Sri Advaita Das Babaji's Tirobhava
- Adhivasa-kirtans
You can read detailed descriptions for each of them at the
Vraja Festivals page. A new entry covering various topics on bhakti-sadhana has also been added to the Baba's Teachings series.
Affiliate programSend visitors to our website – we'll send you a free VCD or DVD for every 250 individual visitors we receive, shipped free of charge to anywhere in the world! Read more at the
Affiliate page at Lake of Flowers.
Contributors soughtIf you have footage or audio recordings of traditional Gaudiya Vaishnava festivals and celebrations or other material of interest, we'll help you get the materials processed and available for the public. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us!
A preview of the affiliate section for those interested:

Can I ask, how do you know that any referrals are coming from
my site? I've just registered as an affiliate and put a small logo on my blog (just to experiment), so I was wondering how would you know that any referrals are coming from my blog if I haven't registered my blog URL?
Very nice project, by the way.
QUOTE(Lake of Flowers)
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In other words, copy and paste the links from the affiliate page after logging in. Ensure that the link has index.php?aff=123, or whatever your affiliate number is, appended to it. It'll be there automatically once you log in.
That's quite neat, actually. Thank you.