mahAbhAva-svarUpa zrI-rAdhA-ThAkurANI
sarva-guNa-khani kRSNa-kAntA-ziromaNi
sarva-guNa-khani kRSNa-kAntA-ziromaNi
Sri Radha Thakurani is the very form of mahabhava. She is the
repository of all good qualities and the crest-jewel of all of Krishna's lovers.
repository of all good qualities and the crest-jewel of all of Krishna's lovers.
tayor apy ubhayor madhye
rAdhikA sarvathAdikA
guNair ativarIyasI
rAdhikA sarvathAdikA
guNair ativarIyasI
"Of these two [Radhika and Candravali], Radhika is greater in every way. She is the very
nature of mahabhava and She surpasses all with Her good qualities." (Ujjvala-Nilamani)
nature of mahabhava and She surpasses all with Her good qualities." (Ujjvala-Nilamani)
kRSNa-prema-bhAvita yAGra cittendriya-kAya
kRSNA-nija-zakti rAdhA krIDAra sahAya
kRSNA-nija-zakti rAdhA krIDAra sahAya
Her whole mind, senses and body are steeped in love for Krishna; and being of His own sakti, She assists Him in pastimes.
tAbhir ya eva nija-rUpatayA kalAbhiH
goloka eva nivasaty akhilAtma-bhUto
govindam Adi puruSaM tam ahaM bhajAmi
tAbhir ya eva nija-rUpatayA kalAbhiH
goloka eva nivasaty akhilAtma-bhUto
govindam Adi puruSaM tam ahaM bhajAmi
"I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who resides in His own realm, Goloka, with
Radha, who resembles His own spiritual figure and who embodies the ecstatic potency
[hlādinī]. Their companions are Her confidantes, who embody extensions of Her
bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa."
(Brahma-samhita 5.37)
Radha, who resembles His own spiritual figure and who embodies the ecstatic potency
[hlādinī]. Their companions are Her confidantes, who embody extensions of Her
bodily form and who are imbued and permeated with ever-blissful spiritual rasa."
(Brahma-samhita 5.37)
kRSNere karAya yaiche rasa asvAdana
krIDAra sahAya yaiche, zuna vivaraNa
krIDAra sahAya yaiche, zuna vivaraNa
Listen now to the description of how Krishna is assisted in His endeavour
to taste the mellows of rasa, and how He is assisted in His loving plays.
to taste the mellows of rasa, and how He is assisted in His loving plays.
kRSNa-kAntA-gaNa dekhi tri-vidha prakAra
eka lakSmI-gaNa, pure mahiSI-gaNa Ara
vrajAGganA-rUpa, Ara kAntA-gaNa-sAra
zrI rAdhikA haite kAntA-gaNera vistAra
eka lakSmI-gaNa, pure mahiSI-gaNa Ara
vrajAGganA-rUpa, Ara kAntA-gaNa-sAra
zrI rAdhikA haite kAntA-gaNera vistAra
The lovers of Krishna are seen as three types; one, the
Laksmis, then the Queens [Mahishis of Dvaraka], and the
beautifully-formed ladies of Vraja who are the foremost of
the three. These categories of lovers all emanate from Sri Radhika.
Laksmis, then the Queens [Mahishis of Dvaraka], and the
beautifully-formed ladies of Vraja who are the foremost of
the three. These categories of lovers all emanate from Sri Radhika.
avatArI kRSNa yaiche kare avatAra
aMzinI rAdhA haite tina gaNera vistAra
aMzinI rAdhA haite tina gaNera vistAra
Just as Krishna, the source of all incarnations, takes
incarnations, so is Radha the source of these three groups.
incarnations, so is Radha the source of these three groups.
vaibhava-gaNa yena tAGra aGga-vibhUti
bimba-pratibimba-rUpa mahiSIra tati
bimba-pratibimba-rUpa mahiSIra tati
The Laksmis are powerful expansions of Her limbs, and the
Mahishis are expansions of Her reflections and counter-reflections.
Mahishis are expansions of Her reflections and counter-reflections.
lakSmI-gAna tAGra vaibhava-vilAsAMza-rUpa
mahiSI-gaNa vaibhava-prakAza-svarUpa
mahiSI-gaNa vaibhava-prakAza-svarUpa
The Laksmis display the forms of vaibhava-vilasa and are Her
fragments, and the Mahishis are the epitome of Her vaibhava-prakasa.
fragments, and the Mahishis are the epitome of Her vaibhava-prakasa.
AkAra svabhAva-bhede vraja-devI-gaNa
kAya-vyUha-rUpa tAGra rasera kAraNa
kAya-vyUha-rUpa tAGra rasera kAraNa
The Vraja-devis exemplify different features and natures. They are
Her own bodily expansions and are the means by which She expands rasa.
Her own bodily expansions and are the means by which She expands rasa.
bahu-kAntA vinA nahe rAsera ullAsa
lIlAra sahAya lAgi' bahuta prakAza
lIlAra sahAya lAgi' bahuta prakAza
Without many lovers there is no happiness in rasa, and
therefore many manifestations are occupied in assisting the lilas.
therefore many manifestations are occupied in assisting the lilas.
tAra madhye vraje nAnA bhAva-rasa-bhede
kRSNake karAya rAsAdika-lIlAsvAde
kRSNake karAya rAsAdika-lIlAsvAde
Among these paramours in Vraja exist various differences in mood and mellows,
which all assist Krishna in tasting the bliss of the Rasa-dance and other lilas.
which all assist Krishna in tasting the bliss of the Rasa-dance and other lilas.
govindAnandinI rAdhA, govinda-mohinI
govinda-sarvasva, sarva-kAntA-ziromaNi
govinda-sarvasva, sarva-kAntA-ziromaNi
Radha is She who gives bliss to Govinda, She who bewilders Govinda, She
who is the all-in-all of Govinda. Verily, She is the crown-jewel of all the lovers!
who is the all-in-all of Govinda. Verily, She is the crown-jewel of all the lovers!
devI kRSNa-mayI proktA
rAdhikA para-devatA
sarva-lakSmI-mayI sarva-
kAntiH sammohinI parA
rAdhikA para-devatA
sarva-lakSmI-mayI sarva-
kAntiH sammohinI parA
"Sri Radhika is known as Devi, Krishnamayi, Supreme Goddess in
whom all Laksmis reside; Her beauty and charm defeat that of all others.”
whom all Laksmis reside; Her beauty and charm defeat that of all others.”
'devI' kahi dyotamAnA paramA sundarI
kimvA, RSNa-pUja-krIDAra vasati nagarI
kimvA, RSNa-pUja-krIDAra vasati nagarI
'Devi' means effulgent and most beautiful, or it can
mean the repository of the worship and loveplays of Krishna.
mean the repository of the worship and loveplays of Krishna.
kRSNA-mayI, kRSNa yAra bhitare bAhire
yAGhA yAGhA netra paDe tAGhA kRSNa sphure
yAGhA yAGhA netra paDe tAGhA kRSNa sphure
'Krishna-mayi' means one whose within and without is
Krishna. Wherever Her eyes fall, there Krishna appears.
Krishna. Wherever Her eyes fall, there Krishna appears.
kimvA, prema-rasa-maya kRSNera svarUpa
tAGra zakti tAGra saha haya eka-rUpa
tAGra zakti tAGra saha haya eka-rUpa
Or it can mean that She is the real nature of Krishna
and the epitome of loving rasa, as His sakti is one with Him.
and the epitome of loving rasa, as His sakti is one with Him.
kRSNa-vAñchA-pUrti-rUpa kare ArAdhane
ataeva 'rAdhikA' nAma purANe vAkhAne
ataeva 'rAdhikA' nAma purANe vAkhAne
Her worship of Krishna consists of fulfilling His
desires. Therefore the Puranas address Her as 'Radhika'.
desires. Therefore the Puranas address Her as 'Radhika'.
anayArAdhito nUnaM
bhagavAn harir IzvaraH
yan no vihAya govindaH
prIto yAm anayad rahaH
bhagavAn harir IzvaraH
yan no vihAya govindaH
prIto yAm anayad rahaH
"This one worshipped Hari, who is the Supreme Lord. Therefore Govinda,
being pleased with Her, left us aside and led Her to a solitary place." (SB 10.30.28)
being pleased with Her, left us aside and led Her to a solitary place." (SB 10.30.28)
ataeva sarva-pUjyA, parama-devatA
sarva-pAlikA, arva jagatera mAtA
sarva-pAlikA, arva jagatera mAtA
Therefore, being the supreme goddess, She is worshipable for all.
She is the protectress of all and the mother of the whole universe.
She is the protectress of all and the mother of the whole universe.
'sarva-lakSmI'-zabda pUrva kariyAchi vyAkhyAna
sarva-lakSmI-gaNera tiGho hana adhiSThAna
sarva-lakSmI-gaNera tiGho hana adhiSThAna
I have previously explained the meaning of
'sarva-laksmi'. She [Radha] is the abode of all the Laksmis.
'sarva-laksmi'. She [Radha] is the abode of all the Laksmis.
kimvA, 'sarva-lakSmI' - kRSNera SaD-vidha aizvarya
tAGra adhiSThAtri zakti - sarva-zakti-varya
tAGra adhiSThAtri zakti - sarva-zakti-varya
Or, 'sarva-laksmi' can mean that She epitomises the six
opulences of Krishna. She is the empress and the best of His saktis.
opulences of Krishna. She is the empress and the best of His saktis.
sarva-saundarya-kAnti vaisaye yAGhAte
sarva-lakSmI-gaNera zobhA haya yAGhA haite
sarva-lakSmI-gaNera zobhA haya yAGhA haite
'Sarva-kanti' means She is one from whom all forms of beauty and
splendour emanate. All the Laksmis derive their opulences from Her.
splendour emanate. All the Laksmis derive their opulences from Her.
kimvA 'kAnti-zabde kRSNera saba icchA kahe
kRSNera sakala vAñcha rAdhAtei rahe
kRSNera sakala vAñcha rAdhAtei rahe
Or 'kanti' may also mean 'all of Krishna's desires'.
All of Krishna's desires are reopsed in Radha.
All of Krishna's desires are reopsed in Radha.
rAdhikA karena kRSNera vAñchita pUraNa
'sarva-kAnti'-zabdera ei artha vivaraNa
'sarva-kAnti'-zabdera ei artha vivaraNa
Radhika fulfills the desires of Krishna.
This is the descriptive meaning of 'sarva-kanti'.
This is the descriptive meaning of 'sarva-kanti'.
jagat-mohana kRSNa tAGhAra mohinI
ataeva samastera parA ThAkurANI
ataeva samastera parA ThAkurANI
Krishna enchants the universe, yet She enchants
even Him. Therefore She is the supreme goddess of all.
even Him. Therefore She is the supreme goddess of all.
rAdhA - pUrna-zakti kRSNa - pUrna-zaktimAn
dui vastu bheda nAi, zAstra-paramANa
dui vastu bheda nAi, zAstra-paramANa
Radha is the fullness of sakti, and Krishna is the full possessor
of sakti. The two are not different, as evidenced by the scripture.
of sakti. The two are not different, as evidenced by the scripture.
mRgamada, tAra gandha - yaiche aviccheda
agni, jvAlAte - yaiche kabhu nAhi bheda
agni, jvAlAte - yaiche kabhu nAhi bheda
Just as musk and it's scent are inseparable and just as fire
and it's heat are insperable, so too are are They nondifferent.
and it's heat are insperable, so too are are They nondifferent.
rAdhA-kRSNa aiche adA eka-i svarUpa
lIlA-rasa AsvAdite dhare dui-rUpa
lIlA-rasa AsvAdite dhare dui-rUpa
In this way Radha and Krishna are of one nature, and
have manifested in two forms in order to taste lila-rasa.
have manifested in two forms in order to taste lila-rasa.
That's some heavy food for thought we have there!
