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Sri Sri RadharamanCharanDasDevDasakam - by Srimad VaishnavaCharan Das panchatirtha

dasanudas - Wed, 05 Oct 2005 06:23:03 +0530
I was late in posting this as I ealier promised Sakhi Ji for translation. Today he indirectly forced me, and has shaken me and thus helping me to come out of my ever sustaining lethergic state. tongue.gif

Here goes the crude translation though it has lots of scope to improve by any experience translator.

This is for joy of Nitai Chand and his devotee.
AHo SachiNandanDanaBismritiGhanadhaKare Patitang jada jagat |
taDaiVa jatang basudhaSudhaKaram tamadYa RadhaRamanang BhajaMahe || 1

When this world drowned into darkness by forgetting the Prema giving glory of Sachinandan Sri Gaurhari , that time who appeared as sun in this earth thus removed the darkness of ignorance, now we worship that Sri Radharaman Charan Das Dev.

SwajatKale Bhagavanniveditam vina na pito janonipayohopi ja|
Swabhabato bhaktaBarang gunakaram tamadYa radharamanang BhajaMahe || 2

During the birth who did not drink even mother’s breast milk without first taking prasad offered to Sri Hari , now we worship that possessor of great qualities, great bhakta Sri Radharaman Charan Das Dev.

braje suguptamatidurlabham ratim dadau sa gauraH kaliJivaMandale |
tirohitam tam kramasastyam jastyamadya radharamanang BhajaMahe || 3

Sri Gauranga distributed rare and secret prema bhakti of Braja to jivas at this age of Kali. With due course of time that bhakti was diminished from this world. He who redistributed that diminished bhakti  to this world , now we worship that Sri Radharaman Charan Das Dev.

Nipiya jasyacharitam sudham srutau vabanti matta bahabo jana bhubi|
trutanti mayang trigunanchya lilaya tamadya radharamanang BhajaMahe || 4

By drinking by ear whose honey like life story many people became mad and thus was able to easily tear Maya made of three qualities, now we worship that Sri Radharaman Charan Das Dev.

Samunnatam bhavavivusitam bapubirlakya jasyapi sumandYamedhasaH|
mahaTtamaH suSchya vidhutaKalmashaYa tamadYa radharamanang BhajaMahe || 5

By watching the various prema bhava within the elevated physics of whom, even very fallen soul became great bhakta, now we worship that Sri Radharaman Charan Das Dev.

MritaSya jivattYaRuraJaNartanaT pareshSakterpalapicheTasam |
kuTarkYavadaH khalu jeno khanditastYamadYa radharamanang BhajaMahe || 6

By delivering life to dead person, by giving dancing power even to standstill tree in samkirtan, thus who refuted and destroyed the sinful opinion of atheists about Lord, now we worship that Sri Radharaman Charan Das Dev.

samagata janniKasHa chaw tarkikaH sumistaBacha twaritam parajitaH|
punascha gaurangaPadaSritasTyaTha tamadya radharamanang BhajaMahe || 7

By defeating those debaters who used to come for debate by his sweet words and arguments, and thus making them surrendered to lotus feet of Sri Gauranga, now we worship that Sri Radharaman Charan Das Dev.

bisham sahasam rabhasha nipiya jo na jatu betta bata tasYa vikriyam|
NitaiGaurangaRasatiVihalvam tamadYa radharamanang BhajaMahe || 8

Who with his smiling face suddenly drank poison, but did not feel any reaction out of that, now we worship him who is unconscious in nectars of Nitai Gauranga, that Sri Radharaman Charan Das Dev.

kalabupasyAng kalidoshNasakam NitaiGaurangaNamamritam muda|
pracharitam jeno kripaya susangatam tamadYa radharamanang BhajaMahe || 9

  He who gracefully preached properly, the destroyer of the all sins in Kali, the only worshipable entity in kali, which is the name of Sri Nitai Gauranga, now we worship that Sri Radharaman Charan Das Dev.

he Dev te padataleY galalagnaVaso durvasonaKavolito vinivedayeHam|
evam kurusVa karunam nivasami jatra tatteY priyanghriYugalam na cha vishmarami || 10

Hey dev, I am praying with my impure heart, bowing my head down unto your feet, you please mercifully grant me such boon so that, wherever I stay, wherever I live, I should not forget for a moment your beloved Yugals’s lotus feet.

  ----------------SriMad Vaishnava Charan Das panchatirthena virachitam

Jay Nitai
Sakhicharan - Wed, 05 Oct 2005 06:45:52 +0530
QUOTE(dasanudas @ Oct 4 2005, 07:53 PM)
I was late in posting this as I ealier promised Sakhi Ji for translation.  Today he indirectly forced me, and has shaken me and thus helping me to come out of my ever sustaining lethergic state.  tongue.gif

O dasanudas-ji...hundreds of my lowly dandabat pranams at your feet...Thank you. smile.gif
To me, there is nothing superior than hearing the glorification and lila of such an exalted saint as our Bodo Babaji!...You are a wonderful bhakta of Sri Nitai and Baba Mahasaya...
The fourth line of this dasakam is SO true and so very sweet...wub.gif