nAmApi vAmAçaye
tasyA durvinayair muner api manaH
zAntAtmanaH kupyati |
dhig goSThendra-sute samasta-guNinAM
maulau vrajAbhyarcite
pAdAnte patite’pi naiva kurute
bhrU-kSepam apy atra yA ||
"O Padma, don't even mention the name of that woman. To speak of her is to destroy your intelligence. She is so badly behaved that even the sages would break their vow of silence to speak of her faults.
"Just look! Krishna, the son of Nanda Maharaj, is the fountainhead of all virtue. He is worshiped by all the residents of Vrindavan, human, animal or other. He has fallen down at her feet, begging her to forgive him, and yet she won't even glance at him!" (Ujjvala-nIlamaNi, 9.49)
Who spoke these words? Don't have Ujjvala Nilamani at hand... [_]