An octogenarian, who was to be cremated in a couple of hours, `comes back to life and claims that he had been sent back to earth from Yamapuri following the orders of Yamadharmaraja, the king of the hell.' "He (Yama) was sporting a large moustache with curly ends but had a bald head. He rebuked the two soldiers, who mistakenly took me to hell. They dropped me at my home by a magic scooter,'' Malla Reddy, the old man, told The Hindu on Thursday.
QUOTE(nabadip @ Aug 6 2005, 02:17 PM)
An octogenarian, who was to be cremated in a couple of hours, `comes back to life and claims that he had been sent back to earth from Yamapuri following the orders of Yamadharmaraja, the king of the hell.' "He (Yama) was sporting a large moustache with curly ends but had a bald head. He rebuked the two soldiers, who mistakenly took me to hell. They dropped me at my home by a magic scooter,'' Malla Reddy, the old man, told The Hindu on Thursday. unfortunately seems bureaucratic mishaps occur in the afterlife as well
