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Three Bhakti Voices - John Stratton Hawley

Jagat - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 18:54:29 +0530
Oxford University Press

Three Bhakti Voices : Mirabai, Surdas, and Kabir in Their Times and Ours

John Stratton Hawley

Hardback, 464 pages Apr 2005, In Stock Price:39,95 $ (01)

The book is a collection of essays written over two decades but with consistency of style, concern and argument. It's divided into two parts: The first, "The Bhakti Poet Saint: Economies of Word and Life" ranges over the literature of Bhakti as a whole. The second part is organized around individual poets: Mira, Sur, and Kabir. Connections between the three poets is established meticulously and convincingly. The book also deals with the controversial question of "authenticity" by looking at how the poets appear in their oldest manuscript traditions. The author also translates a number of poems that emerge from the earliest manuscript strata, some translated for the first time. In addition, he also deals with the question of reception and interpretations with deep insight.

About the Author
John Stratton Hawley, Ann Whitney Olin Professor of Religion, Barnard College, Columbia University
anuraag - Thu, 30 Jun 2005 19:20:39 +0530
I have many books by John Stratton Hawley . This too will be added to my collection. smile.gif
We even exchanged some correspondence in the past.