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Bengali Kirtan - available at my homepage
Lalitadas - Sun, 19 Jun 2005 18:36:15 +0530
There are some Bengali Kirtans available for download at my homepage. The recording quality is poor, but the kirtan quality is super-excellent!
brajamani - Sun, 19 Jun 2005 20:28:49 +0530
Missed you this past week, I was at the Boneroo music festival. I will however be there on Wed.
I hope you come to the Ratha Yatra!
Would you like me to take these tracks and see if I can clean them up? I 'think' I have noise reduction on one of my proggys.
lemme know,
dasanudas - Sun, 19 Jun 2005 22:44:08 +0530
Thanks a lot Lalita Das. These reminds me my home.
While we offer bhoga to Mahaprabu we generally sing these very Kirtan.
Madhava can you post these to your lake flower production to make these available to greater Audiance?
Madhava - Sun, 19 Jun 2005 23:26:49 +0530
Lalitadas, do you have more of these files? What are the sources? Do you have them in higher bitrate? And of course, can they be made available at LOF?
I took a crack at cleaning it up. The noise was pretty extreme. Removing such quantities of hiss and noise inevitably "kills" the sound a bit, I've compensated for that with a slight chorus effect that makes the sound a bit more crisp.
I'm taking a crack at a sizable quantity of files with considerable noise and hiss in the near future, files courtesy of Advaitadas, and wouldn't mind processing more while I'm at it.
Lalitadas - Mon, 20 Jun 2005 04:01:09 +0530
QUOTE(Madhava @ Jun 19 2005, 05:56 PM)
Lalitadas, do you have more of these files? What are the sources? Do you have them in higher bitrate? And of course, can they be made available at LOF?
Those songs are from a cassette given to me many years ago. I haven't got any more like it. Please do make them available there, too.
I took a crack at cleaning it up. The noise was pretty extreme. Removing such quantities of hiss and noise inevitably "kills" the sound a bit, I've compensated for that with a slight chorus effect that makes the sound a bit more crisp.
That sounds much better. Could you send me the files once cleaned up?
I'm taking a crack at a sizable quantity of files with considerable noise and hiss in the near future, files courtesy of Advaitadas, and wouldn't mind processing more while I'm at it.
I can't wait to hear them!
Madhava - Mon, 20 Jun 2005 04:03:37 +0530
Of course if Brian's got the time, the tools and the knowhow, then by all means, clean it up! I seem to have plenty on my list of things to do...

But I'm a bit picky on what gets added to LOF, quality-wise, so clean it up good then!
Lalitadas - Mon, 20 Jun 2005 04:13:16 +0530
I do have a few other nice Kirtans performed by Krishna Kirtan Das during Festival of India 1991. It is a set of four cassettes. It has a copyrighht though, so I cannot give it without permission. I will ask. In the mean time I have added one Padavali from that to my site.
Madhava - Mon, 20 Jun 2005 04:18:45 +0530
If it's copyrighted, then I'm afraid it's a no-no then as far as the Lake of Flowers site is concerned, as we are focusing on content that fits under the
license we've picked for the project. That is, unless the copyright holder gives his permission, of course.
Where are the three you uploaded from?
Lalitadas - Mon, 20 Jun 2005 04:37:15 +0530
The poor quality files (Nitai Pada Kamala, Gauranga Bolite Habe, Padavali into Nam Sankirtan) are not copyrighted, as far as I know.
It is the file I most recently uploaded (Padavali w-English) which is copyrighted, and is there only as a sample for the pleasure of Sri Sri Gaura Bhakta Vrnda.
brajamani - Mon, 20 Jun 2005 17:54:38 +0530
You are right, once cleaned up some the total quality degrads, also going from mp3 to wave and back again will create some loss.
I goofed for a little while w/out much avail. I`m used to dealing with live shows and adding the background crowd noise to it so Ill give these to my sound guy and have him take a poke at it and well submit it to LOF.
Madhava - Mon, 20 Jun 2005 20:15:49 +0530
Lalitadas, do you have higher bitrate originals available are the 128kbps versions the best you have? Better have Brian's guy clean them up from the best possible versions.
Lalitadas - Tue, 21 Jun 2005 03:05:55 +0530
The best I have is the cassette itself.
I will give it to Brian.
Radhe Shyam.