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Gaudiya padavali kirtan of choice. Whenever you come across an inspiring song, post it here.

Dadhira pasara bhanjana & Mahanta vidaya - Concluding kirtans

Madhava - Sat, 28 May 2005 03:11:49 +0530
If you've been watching some of the Lake of Flowers videos, you may have noticed a concluding kirtan where one devotee holds a jar of yoghurt on his head, that is then broken. Here are the words for the two kirtans, translation will have to wait for later (or, for Madanmohanji smile.gif).

dadhira pasarA bhaJjana

saMkIrtana samApana kari gorA-rAYa |
AnA_ila dadhi-bhANDa nija sampradAYa ||
cauSaTTi mahAnta Ara yata bhakta-gaNa |
Apani dilena prabhu mAlya candana ||
hema pAtre mahAprabhu candana la_iYA |
zrI-raghunandana bhAle dilena lepiYA ||
dadhi bhANDa hAte laYe zrI-zacI-nandana |
AJjA dila dadhi-bhANDa karaha bhaJjana ||
mahAprabhura AjJA peYe zrI-raghunandana |
kIrtana maNDale bhANDa karila bhaJjana ||
sabe ga.DA ga.DI yAYa tAhAra upare |
zrI-raghunandana gAYa hariSa antare ||
Madhava - Sat, 28 May 2005 03:16:43 +0530
mahAnta vidAYa kIrtana

mahA mahA mahotsava pUrNera kAraNA |
dadhi-maGgala AnA_ilena zrI-zacI-nandana ||
gaurIdAsa kIrtanIYAra karete dhariyA |
kahichena mahAprabhu kA&diYA kA&diYA |
golokera sampada harinAma saMkIrtana |
kemane vidAYa diba mahAntera gaNa ||
prabhu kahe nityAnanda zunaha vacana |
tumi giYA bidAYa dA_o mahAntera gaNa ||
eta zuni nityAnanda A_ilA dA&_iYA |
bhUmite phelilA bhANDa AchA.Da mAriYA ||
dvAdaza gopAla gela Apana bhavana |
cauSaTTi mahAnta gela nija niketana ||
nityAnanda cali gela ApanAra vAsa |
bhUmite pa.DiYA kA&nde narottama dAsa ||
ananga - Sat, 28 May 2005 18:27:40 +0530
QUOTE(Madhava @ May 27 2005, 09:41 PM)
Here are the words for the two kirtans, translation will have to wait for later (or, for Madanmohanji smile.gif).

Jagat translated the first song here for me last year in preparation for our last year's Nam jagya, he posted it here somewhere

here actually!

copied here: Jagat's translation

At the end of the sankirtan, Gaura Raya had the yogurt pot brought in to the midst of his own singing group, consisting of the 64 mahantas and all the other devotees, among whom Narahari and Raghunandan were predominant. While everyone loudly sang the glories of Lord Hari, Gaurachandra took sandalwood paste and a garland. He joyfully placed sandalwood on Raghunandan’s forehead and the garland around his neck. Sri Sachinandan then took the yogurt pot and gave it to Raghunandan. Then, singing in the company of the other devotees, the Lord ordered Raghunandan to break the pot. On receiving the command, Raghunandan broke it in the middle of the kirtan circle and everyone rolled in the yogurt, so joyfully sings Yadunandan.