jAr huhunkAre gaura avatAra hoy//
premadAtA sItAnAtha karunAsAgara/
jAr premarase AilA gaurAngasundara//
jAhAre karunA kari' krpAdiThe cAy/
premAveze se-jana caitanya guna gAy//
tAhAra carane jebA lailA zarana/
se-jana pAilA gaura-prema mahAdhana//
emana dayAra nidhi kene nA bhajiluM/
locana bale nija mAthe vajara pAriluM//
Hail all hail to the preceptor Advaita, full of mercy,
whose pealing roar invoked the avatara of Gaura.
Giver of prema, lord of Sita, ocean of compassion;
whose prema rasa brought Gaurangasundara.
Whoever recieves his mercy, on who he bestows
his kind glance, that blessed one bocomes immersed
in prema and sings the divine excellences of Gaura.
Whoever saught refuge at his feet, that same aquired
the greatest wealth of Gaura prema, Locana says;
Why did I not adore such a repository of bounding grace?
By that I've brought a thunder bolt upon my own head.