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Happy Birthday, Satyabhama! -
Gaurasundara - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 12:21:37 +0530
Happy Birthday to Satyabhama!

Every day she has some sweet words and a new bhajan for everybody. Long may she continue!
(Oh, and good luck in your exams too!)
Tapati - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 12:57:44 +0530
...beat me to it!
Happy Birthday Satyabhama, I wish we had a smiley holding candy because you should give sweets to the sweet. But I will have to offer flowers instead:
Bright Blessings on your birthday and for this new year of your life.
Chanahari - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 13:01:13 +0530
Happy birthday, Satyabhama!

And keep up the good work with your forum.
Advitiya - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 13:34:23 +0530
Krishnapremonmaadini krishnadewaani sweet Satyabhamaa! How can I miss such an opportunity!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Listen to bhajans all day and relish all the sweetness you can get.
Kalkidas - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 16:04:43 +0530
Happy birthday!

May Krishna prema always be deep in your heart!
Sakhicharan - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 18:49:00 +0530
Happy Birthday Dear Srimati Satyabhama Devi!

I wish you all the best in your bhajan life!
jijaji - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 18:52:42 +0530
Wishing you a Happy Birthday!
Satyabhama - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 18:55:37 +0530
Early morning and already so many of you have wished me.
I don't know what else to say but: thank you
babu - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 19:06:57 +0530
Happy Birthday Satya!
Thank you for leaving Goloka and coming down here to be with us!
love you, babu
Dhyana - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 19:27:21 +0530
Happy Birthday, Satyabhama!
Here's a verse for you, an old favorite you might put to good use:
na mRSA paramArtham eva me
ZRNu vijJApanam ekam agrataH
yadi me na dayiSyase tadA
dayanIyas tava nAtha durlabhaH
tad ahaM tvad-Rte na nAthavAn
mad-Rte tvaM dayanIyavAn na ca
vidhi-nirmitam etad avyayaM
bhagavan pAlaya mA-sma jIhaya
Let me submit one piece of information before You, dear Lord. It is not at all false, but is full of meaning: If You are not merciful to me, then it will be very, very difficult to find a more suitable candidate for Your mercy. O Lord, without You, I am lost, and without a master; and without me You do not have a suitable person to bestow Your mercy. O Lord, this is our eternal relationship ordained by fate. Please keep this relationship between us. Protect me, and do not reject me.
(Sri Yamunacarya's Stotra-ratna, Texts 47 and 48, Kusakratha's translation)
Satyabhama - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 19:32:11 +0530

Wow Dhyana! That is absolutely to my taste! Thank you! [attachmentid=1305]
Dhyana - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 21:37:27 +0530
Wow, Satya, what cuties, these two smilies! [attachmentid=1305] (Dear Madhava, can you put them in our emoticon library? Please pretty please...

After all, isn't it a scandal that a forum like this one wouldn't have any
lovers icons?
The verses are cool, Satyabhama, but while they
may work with Lord Venkateshvara, I doubt Krishna would be fazed. He'd probably retort something about Him, as Brahman, never being separate from you and
besides it was just to increase your love (á la what He pulled in his letter to the gopis)
[yea sure; we're
so impressed

...or He might pull another old one from Kuruksetra and blame your separation on one Bhagavan, whose bidding all must follow...
Satyabhama - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 21:40:13 +0530
I don't know about Vraj Krishna, but it works like a charm on Dvarakanath.

But thank you for mentioning Venkatapati... He is, yes, so kind... *melt melt*
evakurvan - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 21:40:28 +0530
Srijiva - Fri, 11 Feb 2005 23:34:30 +0530
I knew today was an auspicious day when I awoke this morning. The world seemed especially vibrant, everyone with smiles...The birdsong was particularly sweet... & I knew not it Radha's appearance day? no, it must be the appearance day of
someone speacial!...... yep, I was right. Those sweet birds were singing
Hooray! Hooray! it is Satyabhama's Birthday today!Happy Birthday to you Satyabhama! I have experienced small hints of attraction for Syama, thanks to the wonderful poems you share from Meerabai! You will always have a place in my heart.
angrezi - Sat, 12 Feb 2005 01:11:57 +0530
Happy Bithday Satyabhama!
What can I say? You're awesome!
Best wishes on this auspicious day, I'm mentally sending you a well-decorated cow, followed by a Brahmin chanting the glories of Balaji. He should be arriving any minute if he doesn't get lost in Missouri...
Satyabhama - Sat, 12 Feb 2005 01:14:02 +0530
I'm mentally sending you a well-decorated cow, followed by a Brahmin chanting the glories of Balaji.

What can I say? You're awesome!
You are all "AWESOME"!
Elpis - Sat, 12 Feb 2005 04:31:54 +0530
Dear Satyabhama,
Happy birthday. May you find happiness and fulfillment in life, materially as well as spiritually, and may you ever dance as a Muse to the music of Apollo.
All the best,
Dhyana - Sat, 12 Feb 2005 13:07:06 +0530
and may you ever dance as a Muse to the music of Apollo.
Elpis-ji, such nice wishes for Satyabhama-ji's divine dance, but why so platonically dry? Allow Satyabhama some Dionysian music as well!
Elpis - Sun, 13 Feb 2005 19:35:09 +0530
QUOTE(Dhyana @ Feb 12 2005, 02:37 AM)
and may you ever dance as a Muse to the music of Apollo.
Elpis-ji, such nice wishes for Satyabhama-ji's divine dance, but why so platonically dry? Allow Satyabhama some Dionysian music as well!

I suppose that Satyabhama's disposition places her more naturally in the retinue of Dionysus than with Apollo. Also, as the story goes, Dionysus and his army conquered India and introduced the arts of making wine and building great cities there. I have a feeling that what is fun and charming about KRSNa owes a debt to this Dionysiac heritage

As Bachelard so nicely put it, "Bacchus is a beneficent god."
pollai morphai tôn daimoniôn,
polla d' aelptôs krainousi theoi:
kai ta dokêthent' ouk etelesthê,
tôn d' adokêtôn poron hêure theos.
toiond' apebê tode pragma."Gods manifest themselves in many forms,
Bring many matters to surprising ends;
The things we thought would happen do not happen;
The unexpected God makes possible:
And that is what has happened here today."
Bacchae, 1388-1392; translated by Philip Vellacott.)
But, really, Apollo dry?