The Gujarati saint Narsi Metha, not so well known by Gaudiyas, but here in London there is a very large Gujarati community, many of whom revere Narsi Metha. An English edition of his songs translated by Swami Mahadevananda and published by motilal, is a nice book;
Here's a sample;
With what good deeds have I been born,
That the lord himself should be love-lorn;
With great humility come to see,
And crave regards from only me.
The great immortals say the lord
Cannot be won by wisdom's sword;
But yet that lord who knows no check
Embraces me , arms round my neck.
The sacrifices, and the pain
Of penances, in which is saught in vain
A dream of him who lives above,
That lord I see with ease of love.
He leaves his restful Sesa throne
From highest heaven he comes alone
To my abode - love sanctified,
He, yellow clad, comes to my bed.
The sacred texts say he fulfils
The promise, whom love so fills.
Narsi says lord comes to me
Rewarding my humility.