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Inquiries on bhajan - from the blog

Sakhicharan - Sun, 26 Dec 2004 04:12:40 +0530

Thanks for all your efforts in Vraja Journal. It is such a nice site. Sometimes I really feel like I am in Braj while viewing it.

Anyway, I was hoping you might feel more free to elaborate on your quote from "Inquiries on bhajan" in Vraja Journal, here in Srivas Angan. Please break open the storehouse of amrita and allow it to inundate our hearts.

We also inquire about the Vraja-identities of Advaita Acharya and Srivas Thakur, and some related topics. However, I am not at liberty to discuss any and all details of our bhajan openly on a public website. 
Madhava - Sun, 26 Dec 2004 17:01:49 +0530
Much of it is priviledged information for those with siddha-dehas. So I'm afraid I'll have to be just about as short in here. Anyway, the topics are only really relevant if you are practicing yogapith-seva and the such.
Tamal Baran das - Mon, 27 Dec 2004 07:32:04 +0530
Dear Madhava,
I am very much interested in that particular siksa. If you can, please be so kind, and also if you have time (and when you have it ) drop me a message. I will be more than happy about it. I did ask you about that long time ago...
Madhava - Fri, 31 Dec 2004 14:15:31 +0530
Tamal Baran ji, sorry for not responding yet. Please drop me an e-mail.