1) Is it recommended that one worship a Deity? I mean is it something everyone should do, like japa? Or is it optional, i.e. according to ones individual interest?
2) This question requires a bit more detail, but could someone describe to me the process of sila worship?
"I'm offering a flower to you all..." ding ding ding ding...

1. Mahaprabhu enlisted
zrI-mUrti-sevA as one of the five most potent
bhakti-aGgas in his teachings to Rupa-Sanatana (CC 2.22.128), and the same was elaborately repeated in Sri Rupa's Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu. Please refer to
this topic for the 64
bhakti-aGgas, of which a bit over a quarter is related with
2. These issues should be discussed with one's guru.
dIkSA-guru initiates you with
kRSNa-mantra and engages you in
kRSNa-sevA, outlining the methods of
arcana you are to follow.
QUOTE(Madhava @ Oct 21 2004, 08:44 AM)
1. Mahaprabhu enlisted
zrI-mUrti-sevA as one of the five most potent
bhakti-aGgas in his teachings to Rupa-Sanatana (CC 2.22.128), and the same was elaborately repeated in Sri Rupa's Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu. Please refer to
this topic for the 64
bhakti-aGgas, of which a bit over a quarter is related with
2. These issues should be discussed with one's guru.
dIkSA-guru initiates you with
kRSNa-mantra and engages you in
kRSNa-sevA, outlining the methods of
arcana you are to follow.
Actually, to hijack this a bit...
Madhavaji, when you posted a picture of your altar a while back, you noted that the Gaura-Nitai Deities were from 'before'.. well, more specifically:
Gaura-Nitai were with us from before meeting our Baba, the rest are what he has given or advised.
Does AdB not advise the worship of Gaur-Nitai? Can you maybe go over what AdB recommends for home worship?
QUOTE(DharmaChakra @ Oct 21 2004, 01:53 PM)
Does AdB not advise the worship of Gaur-Nitai? Can you maybe go over what AdB recommends for home worship?
I would go so far as to say that he does not advice that. Generally, he prefers to keep his disciples'
arcana simple, and presents an altar accordingly. The general setup is pictures and often a Govardhana-shila. Some disciples of his serve Radha-Krishna deities. The worship of Gaura-Nitai is certainly compatible with our way of bhajana, there is no problem there. We are initiated with mantras for the worship of both, and they are also portrayed in the painting of Pancha-tattva for those not serving