I have a few questions about paying obeisances...
1) When we pay obeisances to the Deities, do we recite our guru's pranam mantra, or do we recite a pranam mantra of the Deities to whom we're paying obeisances to?
2) If we use Deity pranam mantras, can pranam mantras to the Deities be any sloka we want that addresses the Deities?
3) When offering bhoga to the Deities, the ISKCON way is to Prabhupada (his pranams) then to Mahaprabhu (namo maha vadanyaya...) then to Krishna (namo brahmanya devaya). Yet usually we worship Gaura Nitai and Radha Krishna, so shouldn't we be offering the bhoga to both PAIRS respectively? Is there other mantras we might or should say that address both personalities in both parties?
4) What is the Gaudiya traditions on obeisances if different from above?
5) Are there hard and fast rules or am I just being silly?
6) If you feel like answering, I would appreciate scriptural backing for whatever is said. Thanks.