I was wondering if any one would concur, but it just occured to me that the famous sankirtan pada of Dina Krsna Das, "jaya radhe jaya krsna jaya vrndavana...etc, makes a consice summery of Sr Raghunatha das's "Vraja-vilasa-stava" Very consice indeed , but it seems to contain certain aspects of it there like a sutra or something. There seems to be a definite sequence to the song; fisrt salutation to Radha , Krsna and Vrndavana, then salutation to various lila sthalis, then salutations to tha prikaras beginning with Sri Nanda etc upto " jaya rama ghata...etc; then salutation to those who, although not Vraja-basis, were still the recipients of Govinda's grace and attained him by there devotion to his feet, ei the Dvija-patni's and the Naga-kanyas. Then he closes by salutation to the Rasa and the parakiya ujjvala rasa found only in Vraja. And he conludes by seeking refuge at the feet of Sri Jahnava.
I think maybe one has to read the Vraja vilasa stava a few times to get what I'm going on about. But I thought it of interest to mention.