Sakhi-Vrnde Vijnapti
Prayer to the Sakhis
(from Prarthana)
rAdhA-kRSNa prANa mora jugala-kizora
jIvane maraNe gati Aro nAhi mora
kAlindIra kUle keli-kadambera vana
ratana-bedIra upara bosAbo du’jana
zyAma-gaurI-aGge dibo (cUwA) candanera gandha
cAmara DhulAbo kabe heri mukha-candra
gAthiyA mAlatIr mAlA dibo dohAra gale
adhare tuliyA dibo karpUra-tAmbUle
lalitA vizAkhA-Adi jata sakhI-bRnda
AjJAya koribo sebA caraNAravinda
zrI-kRSNa-caitanya-prabhur dAser anudAsa
sevA abhilASa kore narottama-dAsa
(1) The divine couple, zrI zrI RAdhA and KRSNa, are my life and soul. In life or death I have no other refuge but Them.
(2) In a forest of small kadamba trees on the bank of the YamunA, I will seat the divine couple on a throne made of brilliant jewels.
(3) I will anoint Their dark and fair forms with sandalwood paste scented with cUyA, and I will fan Them with a cAmara whisk. Oh, when will I behold Their moonlike faces?
(4) After stringing together garlands of mAlatI flowers I will place them around Their necks, and I will offer tAmbUla scented with camphor to Their lotus mouths.
(5) With the permission of all the sakhIs, headed by LalitA and VizAkhA, I will serve the lotus feet of RAdhA and KRSNa.
(6) Narottama dAsa, the servant of the servant of zrI KRSNa Caitanya Prabhu, longs for this service to the divine couple.