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Madhurastakam - by Sri Vallabhacarya

Rasaraja dasa - Mon, 30 Aug 2004 09:08:34 +0530
by Sri Vallabhacarya

adharaM madhuraM vadanaM madhuraM
nayanaM madhuraM hasitaM madhuraM
hRdayaM madhuraM gamanaM madhuraM
madhurAdhi-pater akhilaM madhuraM

vacanaM madhuraM caritaM madhuraM
vasanaM madhuraM valitaM madhuraM
calitaM madhuraM bhramitaM madhuraM
madhurAdhi-pater akhilaM madhuraM

veNur madhuro reNur madhuraH
pANir madhuraH pAdau madhurau
nRtyaM madhuraM sakhyaM madhuraM
madhurAdhi-pater akhilaM madhuraM

gItaM madhuraM pItaM madhuraM
bhuktaM madhuraM suptam madhuraM
rUpaM madhuraM tilakaM madhuraM
madhurAdhi-pater akhilaM madhuraM

karaNaM madhuraM taraNaM madhuraM
haraNaM madhuraM ramaNaM madhuraM
vamitaM madhuraM zamitaM madhuraM
madhurAdhi-pater akhilaM madhuraM

guJjA madhurA mAlA madhurA
yamunA madhurA vIcI madhurA
salilaM madhuraM kamalaM madhuraM
madhurAdhi-pater akhilaM madhuraM

gopI madhurA lIlA madhurA
yuktaM madhuraM bhuktaM madhuraM
hRSTaM madhuraM ziSTaM madhuraM
madhurAdhi-pater akhilaM madhuraM

gopA madhurA gAvo madhurA
yaSTir madhurA sRSTir madhurA
dalitaM madhuraM phalitaM madhuraM
madhurAdhi-pater akhilaM madhuraM

(1) His lips are sweet, His face is sweet His eyes are sweet, His smile is sweet His heart is sweet, His gait is sweet�Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!

(2) His words are sweet, His character is sweet, His dress is sweet, His belly-folds are sweet, His movements are sweet, His wandering is sweet�Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!

(3) His flute is sweet, His foot-dust is sweet, His hands are sweet, His feet are sweet, His dancing is sweet, His friendship is sweet�Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!

(4) His singing is sweet, His yellow cloth is sweet, His eating is sweet, His sleeping is sweet, His beauty is sweet, His tilaka is sweet�Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!

(5) His deeds are sweet, His liberating is sweet His stealing is sweet, His love-sports are sweet His oblations are sweet, His tranquility is sweet�Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!

(6) His guJjA-berry necklace is sweet, His flower garland is sweet His YamunA river is sweet, His ripples are sweet His water is sweet, His lotuses are sweet�Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!

(7) His gopIs are sweet, His pastimes are sweet, His union is sweet, His food is sweet, His delight is sweet, His courtesy is sweet�Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!

(8) His gopas are sweet, His cows are sweet, His staff is sweet, His creation is sweet, His trampling is sweet, His fruitfulness is sweet�Everything is sweet about the Emperor of Sweetness!