aparUpa cAnd udaya nadIyA pure
timira nAhire tribhuvane/
abanite akhila jIvera soka nAsala
nigama nigura prema dAne//
Are mora gaurAnga sundara rAya/
bhakata hrdaya kumuda prakAsala
akincana jIvera upAya//
sesa sankara nArada caturAnana
niravadhi yAra guna gAya/
so pahu nirupama nija guna sunaite
Anande dharani lotAya//
aruna nayAne varuna Alaya
bahaye prema sUdhA jala/
yadunAtha dasa bale yena sonAra kamale
prasabiche mukutAra phala//
An exquisit moon has arisen over Nadiya pura, dispelling the darkness of the three worlds, relieving the grief of all souls on Earth with the gift of prema, which is (otherwise)the secret purport of the scripture.
O my handsome and noble lord Gauranga!
He makes the night lotus of his voteries hearts to bloom and is the only recourse for the bereft.(?)
Whose divine excellences are sung, sans intermission, by Sesa, Sankara, Narada and the four-faced god, nay, that lord when hearing his own extraordinary praises, rolls upon the Earth in a transport of joy.
The ocean spills from his dawn-red eyes as the cascading streams of liquid love; Yadunatha das says, it were like a golden lotus dripping pearly dew-drops.
Sorry, no details about Yadunatha das.