"Its two divisions are (1) filled with desire for union (sambhogecchamayi) and (2) consisting of a desire for Her feelings (tad-bhaveccatma)."
keli-tAtparyavaty eva sambhogecchA-mayI bhavet |
tad-bhAvecchAtmikA tAsAm bhAva-mAdhurya-kAmitA || 299 ||
zrI-mUrter mAdhurIM prekSya tat-tal-lIlAM nizamya vA |
tad-bhAvAkANkSiNo ye syus teSu sAdhanatAnayoH |
purANe zruyate pAdme puMsam api bhaved iyam || 300 ||
"Those who are desirous to attain bhava after beholding the sweetnes of the beautiful deity or hearing of His pastimes may follow one of these two sadhanas (methods of attainment). As known from the Purana, this is so even for the men."
yathA -
purA maharSayaH sarve daNDakAraNya-vAsinaH |
dRSTvA rAmaM hariM tatra bhoktum aicchan suvigraham || 301 ||
te sarve strItvam ApannAH samudbhUtAz ca gokule |
hariM samprApya kAmena tato muktA bhavArNavAt || 302 ||
keli-tAtparyavaty eva sambhogecchA-mayI bhavet |
tad-bhAvecchAtmikA tAsAm bhAva-mAdhurya-kAmitA || 299 ||
zrI-mUrter mAdhurIM prekSya tat-tal-lIlAM nizamya vA |
tad-bhAvAkANkSiNo ye syus teSu sAdhanatAnayoH |
purANe zruyate pAdme puMsam api bhaved iyam || 300 ||
"Those who are desirous to attain bhava after beholding the sweetnes of the beautiful deity or hearing of His pastimes may follow one of these two sadhanas (methods of attainment). As known from the Purana, this is so even for the men."
yathA -
purA maharSayaH sarve daNDakAraNya-vAsinaH |
dRSTvA rAmaM hariM tatra bhoktum aicchan suvigraham || 301 ||
te sarve strItvam ApannAH samudbhUtAz ca gokule |
hariM samprApya kAmena tato muktA bhavArNavAt || 302 ||
I am posting my response below, in hopes that others would have further insights on the matter.
I am well aware of the fact that rAgAnuga-sAdhana refers to following in the wake of any VrajavasIs. This is clearly documented in the Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu.
However, the Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition tends to be rather exclusive in its preference for bhavollasa-rati, or mañjarI-bhAva. It is not that sambhogecchamayI is not accepted, it is simply not our tradition.
Among commonly recognized traditions, I believe the Nimbarka-sampradaya would be a place of choice to pursue sambhogeccamayI-devotion.
As for helpful texts, I would recommend Gita-govinda of Jayadeva and Krishna-karnamrita of Bilvamangala. The Gaudiya commentaries tend to interpret them in a way befitting the cultivation of the mood of a mañjarI, but the texts themselves are divine chrystals willing to reflect your sambhogecchamayI-devotion if you so will.