Gaudiya padavali kirtan of choice. Whenever you come across an inspiring song, post it here.
Longing for Darshan - hA nAtha gokulacandra, hA krsna paramAnanda
Madanmohan das - Wed, 18 Aug 2004 06:18:38 +0530
hA nAtha gokulacandra, hA krsna paramAnanda,
hA hA vrajesvarIra nandana/
hA rAdhikA candramukhi, gAndharvA lalitA-sakhI,
krpA kari deha darasana//
tomA dohAra srI carana,AmAra sarvasva dhana,
tAhAra darsanAmrta pAna/
karAiyA jIvana rAkha, maritechi ei dekha,
karunA katAksa kara dAna//
dohe sahacarI sange, madanamohana bhange,
srI kunde kalpataru chAya/
AmAre karunA kari, dekhAibe se mAdhuri,
tabe haya jIvana upAya//
hA hA srIdAmera sakhA, krpA kari dAo dekhA,
hA hA visAkhAra prAna sakhI/
dohe sakarunA haiyA, carana darsana diyA,
dAsIgana-mAjhe leha lekhi//
tomAra karunA rAsi, teyi cite abhilAsI,
krpA kari pUra mora Asa/
dasanete trna dhari, dAki nAma uccha kari,
dIna hIna vaisnavera dAsa//
Madanmohan das - Thu, 19 Aug 2004 23:06:17 +0530
Rough rendering of the above.
O lord Gokulananda! O Krsna Joy supreme! O darling child of the cowherd gueen! O Radhika moon-faced one! O Gandharva Lalita-sakhi! Mercifully grant me your darsan.1
Your beautiful feet are my only prized wealth, and I would fain drink the ambrosia of beholding them. Mark how I die! do save my life by charitibly confering your side-long glance laden with compassion.2
Beneath the umbragious shade of a wish-yealding tree, on the banks of the beautiful kunda, and surrounded by your dear companions, you divert yourselves in amorous sports that enchant Cupid himself.Have pity on me and make me behold that sweet scene; only then will I have a means to sustain life.3
Alas! alas! O friend of Sridama! Alas! alas! O dear friend of Visakha! Kindly show yourself to me. You are both moved by compassion, with the vision of your feet please vouchsafe to count me on the list of maidservants.4
My cherished longing rests upon your abundant compassion; kindly fulfill my desire.
Taking a clump of grass between his teeth, the poor and wretched Vaisnava das loudly calls your names.