Sri Navadvipa Yogapitha pada
navadvIpa ramyasthala , abhinna vrajamandala
SrI dhAma trijagatanupama /
nAma smarane jAr , haya prema bhakti sAra
hrdayera nASe tApa tamah //1
The charming play-ground Navadvipa is non-distinct from Sri Vrajamandala;
it is the divine realm, unsurpassed in the triple-world, where those who practice nAma smarana find the essence of prema bhakti, and where their hearts are purged of affliction and dark ignorance.1
vestita jAhnavI-nIre , milita manda samIre
uthe tIre taranga-Avali /
caturvidha kamale , gunjarata alidale
tIre nIre dvija kare keli //2
(Navadvipa is) surrounded by the Jahnavi's pure stream, which, consorting with the gentle breeze, makes endless waves that lap the shore; where lotus' of four varieties are seen invaded by swarms of black bees; and where birds of plumage sport upon the margin of the stream.2
phala-puspa suSobhita , suramya-ArAmAvrta
madhye divya kanaka-mandira /
ravi jini prabhA ati , abhakta asura prati
soma jyotih prati bhaktAdira//3
Everywhere are pleasure gardens and delightful enclosures beautified with abundant fruits and fragrant flowers, and in the very middle is a radiant golden temple. To the abhaktas and asuras it blazes fierce, defeating the midday Sun, but to the pious voteries it difuses balmy moon light.3
tAra madhye suvistAra , kUrma-prstha AkAra
hemapItha ratna-simhAsana/
mantravarna yantrAnvita, sadkona manoramita
tadupari divya puspAsana//4
There inside (the golden temple) stands the lion-throne upon a golden plinth, resembling a turtle's shell. Sylables of the mantra placed juxtapostion on the six pointed star forms the yantra, upon which is placed an excellent seat bestrewn with fragrant flowers.4
madhye gaura-krsnesvara , daksine nitAi haladhara
bAme gadadhara rAdhArUpa/
agre devadevAdvaita , daksinete chatra hasta
pandita SrIvAsa bhakta-bhUpa//5
In the centre sits Gaura, almighty Krsna, and on his right stands Nitai, wielder of the plough; to his left is Gadadhara, Radha's form, and before him stands Advaita, god of gods. Farther to the right, and upholding in his hand the royal umbrella, stands the scholar Srivasa, king of bhaktas.5
caturdike mahAnanda- , maya gaura bhakta vrnda
svAnandadAtA simhAsana pAse/
ki mora asat mati , carane nA h'la rati
dhik rahu e mohanadAsa //6
Surrounding the simhasana on (all) four sides, radiating self-bliss, stand the voteries of Gaura, who are all embodiments of the highest joy.
Alas! What vile disposition in me has deprived me loving devotion at their feet?
I am condemned, Fie on this wretched Mohan das.6
Taken from the Pathabari ashram "Sadhaka Kanthamala"
Not sure about 4. Sort of get the picture but find difficulty in keeping it brief as in the original. Any comments and advice welcome.