This section is reserved for all varieties of visual content. Post in a series of pictures from a sacred place, upload a video clip if you will, or a recording you made of a sweet kirtan.
Paintings by Vrindavan Das -
Madhava - Mon, 17 May 2004 19:22:33 +0530
Mana-lila Vrindavan Das
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Madhava - Mon, 17 May 2004 19:22:55 +0530
Mana-lila Vrindavan Das
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Madhava - Mon, 17 May 2004 19:23:30 +0530
Sringara-lilaby Vrindavan Das
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Madhava - Fri, 16 Jul 2004 02:11:59 +0530
Playing VinaThis new painting by Vrindavan Das depicts a scenario following the fulfilment of the longings described in Vilapa Kusumanjali (89). Sri Radha is teaching Tulasi the art of singing and playing Vina. Amidst the lesson, Sri Krishna enters the cave at Govardhan and Tulasi makes her exit to leave the lovers alone for their pleasure pastimes.
Satyabhama - Mon, 16 Aug 2004 22:17:37 +0530
Oh Tulasi...

Please tell me, do you mean tulasi manjari or Vrinda devi?
Madhava - Tue, 17 Aug 2004 00:09:10 +0530
Tulasi refers to Tulasi-manjari, often thought of as the nickname of Rati Manjari. Vrinda-sakhi isn't called Tulasi in the lila.
Tamal Baran das - Tue, 17 Aug 2004 00:10:45 +0530
It is Sri Tulasi Manjari...
Satyabhama - Tue, 17 Aug 2004 00:29:44 +0530
sorry I thought so but then... *sigh* you know Vrindadevi and Radharani had that argument before, and... and... yes, of course Tulasi manjari, not Vrinda devi... sorry I had a panic moment...

Sorry for that! Stupid me!
Madhava - Tue, 17 Aug 2004 04:44:51 +0530
By the way, Vrindavan's website has been recently revised:
Check it out. If you like the art, please drop a short note of appreciation to the artist from the contact-page.
Jagat - Tue, 17 Aug 2004 04:52:11 +0530
Could you tell us a little more about Vrindavan Das?
Madhava - Tue, 17 Aug 2004 05:03:28 +0530
He's originally from Kazakhstan if memory serves, I believe 30 something of age. My gurubhai. He's been living in Vrindavan for several years now, I forget how many in total. I believe he was originally at Raman Reti with ISKCON, and also did some painting with Jadurani. After that, he went around here and there, and spent some time with the Nimbarkis as well, and finally ended up receiving initiation from our Baba. Married since a year or so. An interesting fellow all in all. We've spent long evenings talking about just about everything you can imagine, he lived upstairs from us when we stayed at Radha Kund. Now he is staying downtown Vrindavan, somewhere near Banke Bihari last I heard.
Madhava - Tue, 12 Jul 2005 23:29:07 +0530