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Narrations on the pastimes of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Radha-Krishna.

Sriman Mahaprabhor-asta-kaliya-lila - By Sri Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura

RasaMrita - Thu, 04 Mar 2004 02:06:06 +0530
Sriman mahaprbhor-asta-kaliya-lila-smarana mangala-stotram
By Sri Visvanatha Chakravarti Thakura

Sri gauranga mahaprabos caranayor ya kesa sesadibhih
sevagamyataya sva bhakta vihita sanyair yaya labhyate
tam tan manasikim smritim prathayitum bhavyam sada sttamair
naumi pratyahikam tadiya-caritam sriman navadvipa jam

Devotional service to the lotus feet of Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu is far beyond the perception of Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Lord Sesha-naga and the rest; but it is continually indulge in by the Lord's own devotees, and is always available to other souls as well. Now I will begin my descriptions of the process of manasi-seva (service to the Lord executed within the mind). This process is fit for continuous remembrance by the most virtuous sages.

Therefore I offer my most respectful obeisances to the eternal daily life and pastimes of the Lord born in Navadvipa.

Brief codes describing his daily schedule in eight periods

ratryante sayanotthitah sura sarit snato babhau yah prage
purvahne sva ganair lasaty upavane tair bhati madhyahnake
yah puryam aparahnake nija grihe sayam grihe 'thangane
srivasasya nisa-mukhe nisi vasan gaurah sa no raksatu

(1) At the end of the night (before sunrise), Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu gets up from His bed, washes His face and converses with His wife.

(2) In the morning, He is massaged with oil and bathes in the celestial Ganga river, then worships Lord Vishnu.

(3) In the forenoon period. He enjoys discussing topics about Lord Krishna with His devotees during visits to their homes.

(4) At midday, He enjoys pastimes in the gardens on the bank of the Ganga

(5) In the afternoon, He wanders about the town of Navadvipa, sporting with all the residents.

(6) At dusk, He returns home to worship Lord Vishnu and be with His family.

(7) In the evening, He goes with his associates to the courtyard of Srivasa Pandita to chant the holy names and dance in ecstasy.

(8) At night, He returns home to take rest.

May this Lord Gaura proctect us all.
RasaMrita - Thu, 04 Mar 2004 03:31:33 +0530
I am posting this for the delight of the members of this forum. Myself, far away from understanding the techniques and depth of this type of meditation.

Gaura Purnima! ki Jaya!
RasaMrita - Thu, 04 Mar 2004 03:32:33 +0530
Period 1 (3:36 - 6:00) End of the Night

ratryante pika-kukkutadi ninadam srutva sva talpotthitah
Sri visnu priyaya samam rasa katham sambhasya santosya tam
gatva 'nyatra dharasanopari vasan svadbhih sudhautanano
yo matradibhir iksito 'ti-muditas tam gauram adhyemy aham

At the end of the night, upon hearing the pleasant sounds made by many birds such as

cuckoos, roosters, and others, Sri Gaura arises from His bed.
With His wife, Sri Vishnu-priya, He discusses many topics concerning the transcendental

mellows of Their mutual loving affairs, and thus They become very pleased. Then He gets up

and goes to another room, whereing He sits upon a raised sitting place and is assisted by

His devotees in washing His lotus face with nicely scented water. Thereafter, He very

happily visits His mother, Sri Sachi Devi, as well as other friends and relatives in the

home. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-sundara.
RasaMrita - Thu, 04 Mar 2004 19:19:17 +0530
Period 2 (6:00 - 824 a.m.) Morning Pastimes

pratah svah sariti sva-parsada-vritah snatva prasunadibhis
tam sampujya grihita-caru-vasanah srak-candanalankritah
kritva visnu-samarcan-adi sa-gano bhuktvannam acamya ca
dvitram canya-grihe sukham svapiti yas tam gauram adhyemy aham

In the morning after sunrise, the Lord goes with His associates to bathe in the holy river. While bathing, they also worship Mother Ganga by offering flowers, incense and other presentations. They then come onto the bank of the river, where He is dressed with exquisite cloth and decorated with fresh flower garlands, sandalwood paste and other ornaments. Returning to His home in order to perform opulent worship of Lord Vishnu, as well as other rituals, they later partake of the foodstuffs that were offered to Lord Vishnu. After washing His hands and mouth, Lord Gaura goes into another room and rests very happily for awhile. I meditate thus on the daily pastime of Sri Gaura-hari.

Period 3 (8:24 -1048 a.m.) : Forenoom pastimes

purvahne sayanotthitah su payasa praksalya vaktrambujam
bhaktaih sri-hari-nama-kirtana -paraih sarddham svayam kirtayan
bhaktanam bhavane 'pi ca sva bhavane kridan nrinam vardhayaty
anandam pura vasinam ya urudha tam gauram adhyemy aham

Upon the arrival of the forenoon period, the Lord gets up from His nap and stretches His body. Then He washes His lotus face with sweetly scented water. Meeting with His devotees, who are all very fond of chanting Sri Hari nama kirtana, He personally tastes and relishes the chanting of the holy names. Thus He sports, sometimes in the homes of various devotees, and sometimes in His own home. In this way, He increases the ecstatatic pleasure of all the townspeople so much that it attains limitless heights. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-chandra.

period 4 (10:48 a.m. -3:36 p.m.) midday pastimes

madhyahne saha taih sva-parsada-ganaih snakirtayad-idrisam
sadvaitendu-gadadharah kila saha-srilavadhuta-prabhuh
arame mridu marutaih sisiritair bhringa-dvijair nadite svam vrinda vipinam samran bhramati yas tam gauram adhyemy aham

During the midday period. Lord Chaitanya continues to enjoy the performance of intensely enthusiastic chanting and dancing, surrounded by His own dear devotees such as the moon-like Advaita Acharya, Gadadhara Pandita, and the divine madman Srila Nityanamda Prabhu. Afterwards, they all wander throughout the gardens and groves on the bank of the Ganga, where they enjoy the sweet cooling breeezes blowing over the river. Hearing the pleasant sounds of the bumblebees and birds in those gardens, the Lord remembers His ecstativ pastimes as Radha and Krishna, which are occurring simultaneously in His own forest of Vrindaban. I meditate thus on the daily pastimes of Sri Gauranga.
RasaMrita - Fri, 05 Mar 2004 18:46:15 +0530
Period 5 (3:36-6:00 p.m.) Afternoon Pastimes

yah sriman aparahnake saha-ganais tais tadrisaih premavams
tadriksu svayam apy alam tri-jagatam sarmani vistarayan
aramat tata eti paura-janata-caksus cakorodupo
matra dvari mudeksito nija-grham tam gauram adhyemy aham

During the splendidly beautiful afternoon period, the Lord and His devotees all become equally maddened in ecstatic love, and thus they expand ever-increasing waves of auspicious benefit that ripple all throughout the three worlds. In this mood, they leave the gardens and travel back toward his home. Along the way, He satisfies the chakora bird with its moombeams. Reaching home, the Lord is met at the door by His mohter and lavished with loving attentions. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura.
RasaMrita - Fri, 05 Mar 2004 18:54:34 +0530
Period 6 (6:00 - 8:24) Sunset Pastimes

yas tri srotasi sayam apta-nivahaih snatva pradipalibhih
puspadyais ca samarcitah kalita-sat pattambara srag-dharah
visnos tat-samayarcanam ca kritavan dipalibhis taih samam
bhuktvannani su-vitikam api tatha tam gauram adhyemy aham

At dusk, the Lord bathes with His dear friends in the Ganga, the river who flows in three parts. They devoutly worship the Ganga by offering ghee lamps, flowers, and other articles. Afterwards, the Lord puts on fresh silken clothes and is adorned with flower garlands. Then, He worships Lord Vishnu at home by performing the evening arati ceremony. offering ghee lamps and other items. Later, He and His friends partake of the foodstuffs and betel nuts that were offered to Lord Vishnu. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura.
RasaMrita - Fri, 05 Mar 2004 19:05:48 +0530
Period 7 (8:24 - 10:48 p.m.) Evening Pastimes

yah srivasa-grihe pradosa samaye hy advaita -candradibhih
sarvair bhakta-ganaih samam hari katha piyusam asvadayan
premananda-samakulas ca cala-dhih sankirtane lampatah
kartum kirtanam urdhvam udyama-paras tam gauram adhyemy aham

In the evening time, the Lord goes to the home of Srivasa Pandita, accompanied by Srila Advaita-chandra and other dear associates. Meeting with the multitude of His devotees, He tastes and relishes the nectar of topics about Lord Hari, and his mind becomes most agitate with the ecstasies of pure love of Godhead. Then, becoming very lustful to relish the congregational chanting of the holy names of the Lord, He orchestrates the performance of intensely jubilant sankirtana, which attains the summit of passionate glorification of these holy names. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-sundara.
RasaMrita - Fri, 05 Mar 2004 19:18:18 +0530
Period 8 (10:48 p.m - 3:36 a.m.) Midnight Pastimes

srivasangana avrito nija-ganaih sarddham prabhubhyam natann
uccais tala-mridanga-vadana parair gayadbhir ullasayan
bhramyan srila gadadharena sahito naktam vibhaty adbhutam
svagare sayanalaye svapiti yas tam gauram adhyemy aham

Continuing well into the night, the Lord dances and dances with Prabhu Nityananda in the courtyard of Srivasa, surrounded by His most intimate devotees. His ecstatic singing is accompanied by the devotees who are expert in playing loud rhythms on the mridanga drums. He wanders and dances with Sri Gadadhara Prabhu in the most astonishing way thoroughout the night, until just before dawn. Then He teturns to His own home, where He retires to His Bedchamber and falls asleep. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-nataraja.
RasaMrita - Fri, 05 Mar 2004 19:26:00 +0530
Sri gauranga vidhoh sva-dhamani nvadvipe 'sta-kalodbhavam
bhavyam bhavya-janena gokula-vidhor lila-smriter aditah
lilam dyotayad etad atra dasakam prityanvito yah pathet
tam prinati sadaiva yah karunaya tam gauram adhyemy aham

Sri Gauranga, the Moon over Navadvipa, is manifest in His own abode during eight periods of each and every day. His patimes during these periods of each and every day. His pastimes during these periods should be rememberd by meditative devotees befroe they remember the simultaneiously-occurring pastimes of Sri Krishna, the Moon over Gokula. If someone lovingly reads or recites the Lord's eternal daily pastimes as they are illuminated in the ten verses of this prayers, then the Lord is immensely pleased with that person, by His own merciful compassion. I thus meditate on the daily pastimes of Sri Gaura-chandra.
RasaMrita - Sat, 06 Mar 2004 07:26:10 +0530
The Beauty and Splendor of Sri Gauranga in His sleeping Chamber!

At the end of the night Gora-Chand is in His sleeping chamber His limbs twinkle as cupid churns his mind
The golden bedstead is inlaid with solid coral and is decorated with pillows covered with pure white cloth
The nicely colored silk is secured by cords in four corners and the jewelled tassels emit pinkish rays in all directions
supporting the expansive canopy hanging overhead
Swinging from all edges are long strands of very tiny pearls
which appear like the celestial river flowing down from the heavens
The bestead appears just like the nicely formed peak of Mt. Kailasa
while the splendrous bolster appear like balls of fresh cream

Covering the mattress is pure white silk
in the middle of which slumbers Gora Dvija-mani
the jewel of the twice born brahmanas
his long limbs put to shame the luster of molten gold
while overwhelmed with the moods of lazy lounging his hair hangs in bunches of curly locks as His slackned pearl necklace lies tangled with His jasmine garland
The upward lines of His beautiful tilak shine
Around his face the dots of kunkum and musk are enchanting
Jewelled earrings rest against His glistening cheeks
while the arch of His eyebrows conquers the arrows of Cupid
Attempting to find a suitable comparison
for the splendor of Gauranga's closed eyes
even the Creator with al his skills of supremely refined craftsmanship is baffled to the utmost extent of his imagination
I can understand the kamadeva has vanished
in fear of the crooked arch of Gora's eyebrows;
becoming bodiless, Cupid is therefore called Ananga

Who has create this form of Lord Gauranga's?
It is like a Cupid's net for ensnaring the innocent deer that are the hearts of chaste girls
His two lotuslike eyes are closed in repose
His thick balck eyelashes are motionless
His splendidly colored lips defeat the hue of bimba fruits
while His slightly smiling mouth enraptures the universe
His broad chest is beautified by numerous necklaces and His arms, extending to His knees, are very muscular His arms are adorned with bracelets of nine jewels and His divine form is beautified with thick patches of sandalwood paste
His hips are wrapped with very fine white cloth while His upper body is partially covered with a splendrous cloth the border of which is woven in ornate golden flowers
His thin brahmana thread is visible there, supremely pure and white
The palms of His hands are reddish like blooming water lotuses
and the sparkling auras of His finger-rings destroy darkness all around

The nicely constructed golden temple is pervade with happiness
On the four sides are four bejewelled terraces with gazebos
On top of the temple are flags and golden jugs
and strands of pearls so large that they look like full moons
Both sides of the temple are beautified by eight crystal pillars
supporting rows of swans formed of silver
In four directions are four gates that are studded with jewels and inlaid here and there with emeralds
The golden doors shine with their solid coral bolts and crystal cornices glitter like rows of candles
Ranks of huge mirrors are fixed on the walls and they are painted with scenes of the mellow sports or Radha and Krishna
These spotless mirrors are also embellished here and there
with artificial flower trees and lotus flowers with hundres of petals
These ornamentations on the mirrors radiate a luster so much like real lotuses that swarms of bumblebees wander here mistaking them for actual lotus groves
The four directions shine with eight round windows on the doors
which are expert in mocking the orb of the sun
These round windows are lined with brilliant sunstones that are bordered on the inside and outside edges with rubies
The temple's altar, bestibule, courtyard, and staircases are beautifully formed of solid crystal slabs

Withing the temple, by the sleeping-chamber, is a flower garden
Sitting upon branches here and there are cuckoos and other birds
The cool breeze flows with the pleasant fragrances of various flowers
while the branches of the trees sway along ever so gently
Hanging upon the door of this inner chamber is the lovely sight of shoes, umbrella and pure white chamara whisk
On both sides of the bed are golden tables
supporting jewelled boxes containing betel nut packets and golden pitcher full of scented water
On the floor in front of these tables
is a beautiful place for rinsing the mouth.
RasaMrita - Sat, 06 Mar 2004 17:18:39 +0530
Gauranga is awakened!

Overcome with the fatigue of sporting vigorous kirtana
the moonlike Gaura Shashi sleeps upon the bed
In the corner of the room sits a parrot in a golden cage
Seeing that the night has ended, the parrot becomes restless
With a blissful mind he thinks to himself,

"I will wake Gauranga"

as his wings blossom with thrill bumps
and his eyes flow with tears
He calls out with a very sweet voice,
"Arise, Gaura-Raya!
The dew is settling upon the morning
Seeing the approaching pink of the rising sun
the bumblebees have abandoned their resting place
in the lotus flowers
Seeing the directions illumined with glorious light
the she-herons have arisen
and playfully come to mingle with the he-herons
The swans and cranes and other water dwelling birds
have all gone to the bank of the celestial Sura dhuni river (Ganga)
All the birds headed by the doves have begun their cooing and chirping
and people stir about the town, seeing to their own work
The he-deer and she-deer have left their formation
and wander in smaller groups for grazing on fresh grasses'

His sleep broken upon hearing the words of the parrot
his two lotus eyes open ever so slightly
In His mind He is fully aware of the kunja-lila of Vrindavan
and thus meditating on the dawn pastimes
performed by Radha and Krishna in Their bowerhouse
He remains motionless and pretends to continue sleeping

In another room sleeps Srimati Vishnu Priya devi
who quickly gets out of her bed upon seeing the arrival of morning
She walks slowly in drowsiness and goes to Sachi's courtyard
while her eyes roll to and fro
Hearing the sweet relishable sound
of Vishnu-Priya's anklets and ornaments
Sachi opens the door and steps outside to greet her
Seeing her daughter in law she speaks in pleasant words,
"I am busy with household chores now.
You may go and bathe in the Sutra dhuni."
Then, in order to pamper her son
Sachi proceeds very quickly with anxious mind
Entering His sleeping chamber, she silently comes before His bed
Stroking His divine form very, very tenderly with her hand
She consideratley speaks in a soft and gentle voice,
'Arise, dear son Gora-Chanda, it is morning
The townspeople have arisen and are sitting in anticipation
Srivasa and all the other devotees are very anxiously waiting to see you
Please get up and quickly start on the path
Give up your sleep, arise and go wash your face."
RasaMrita - Sat, 06 Mar 2004 17:49:14 +0530
The Lord Begins His Day

Hearing His mother's words
Gora Raya stretches His body and sits up in the bed
At this moment, Sita Thakurani (the wife of Sri advaita) arrives
along with Malini (the wife of Srivasa Pandita)
and other chaste wives of the devotees
Having all come and met together at Sachi's home
All the ladies of the town also proceed there with anxious minds
just to have darshan at Gauranga

Mother Sachi lights a ghee lamp scented with camphor on a golden tray
then jubilantly places it in the hands of Malini
who offers it as arati to the gorgeous Gauranga-Sundara
The male servants attetively bring in a golden footstool,
full water pitcher, a tongue scraper, tooth powder, and so forth
Leaving the room, Gora comes out into the courtyard
Going to another room in the house, He conducts His morning activities
Then He comes out and sits down with His foot upon a footstool
After brushing His teeth and other duties
He goes and sits on a very elevated sitting place
Then His devotees, who have also just finished their morning practices,
begin to arrive Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhara, Mukunda, Murari, Haridasa, Vakrshvara, Shuklambara Brahmacari, Sridhara and others

Coming together at the Lord's house, all the devotees successively
offer their respects at His feet in the appropriate manner
Then Prabhu Nityananda comes and sits to the Lord's right
with Gadahara on the left, and devotees on all four sides
Before Them sits Advaita, the Lord of Shanti pura

What splendor manifest here it cannot even be describe with words!
Madhava - Sat, 06 Mar 2004 18:52:22 +0530
Could you note the source of what's after the slokas of Visvanatha?
RasaMrita - Sat, 06 Mar 2004 22:29:01 +0530
Really I do not know, I believe to be Sri Chakravarti himself or Krishna Das (who is him?) difficult to say in the format of the booklet.

Sri Gauranga Lilamrita

Jaya gaura nityanada jayadvaita chandra
gadadhara srivasadi gaura bhakta vrinda

Vande 'ham sri sachi sunum gaura-chandram mahaprabhum
nityananda prabhum srimad advaitam tad ganaih saha

I offer my respectful obeisances
unto the divine son of mother Sachi
the fair complexioned moon-like Gaura Mahaprabhu along with His own associates
Nityananda Prabhu and Srimad Advaita"

First I offer my obeisances unto the feet of my guru and vaishnavas for their mercy sustains me in life or in death
Glory, glory to Gaura-Chandra, the darling boy of Sachi
Glory, glory to my very own Nityananda Prabhu
Glory to Sri Advaita and Gadadhara, the oceans of compassion
Glory to Srinivasa and all the other devotees, the friends of the fallen

Holding the lotus feet of Sri Guru within my heart
I shall briefly narrate Gauranga-Lilamrita
This description of the Lord's pastimes
as they flow throughout eight periods of the day (asta-kala)
is very relishable
Please listen now as I present a song briefly outlining the work:
Madhava - Sat, 06 Mar 2004 23:10:19 +0530
If we are speaking of Gauranga-lilamrita, then yes, that is by Krishna Das, a poet who is said to be a disciple of Visvanatha.
RasaMrita - Sun, 07 Mar 2004 02:01:48 +0530
A disciple of Sri Cakravarti, interesting. Thanks for the Information.

Madhyahna Lila
Midday Pastimes

Description of the Flower Garden

In this way Gaura-chandra comes to the flower garden
and beholds the splendor of the forest with His red-tinged eyes
This flower garden is a grandly expansive place
In all four directions are groups of very tall kadamba trees
At the base of these kadamba trees are dense screwpine bushes
which are encircled by thorns
Seeing this thorny forest from afar, the common people never come here
Madhavi and malati jasmine-vines climb up
and embrace the kadamba trees
The pleasant south wind blows, carrying flower pollen with its breezes
In four directions are four paths formed with jewels
In two directions are beautiful rows of bakula trees
The forest blooms with smal white kunda-jasmine buds, oleander, red amaranth, tagara flower trees, groups of jewelled gardenias, nageshvara flowers and many other varieties of fragrant jasmines like jati, yuthi, and mallika
Bakula trees, clove-pink vines, pink trumpet flowers, and guelder roses are beautifully manifest in row after row
White lilies, yellow magnolias, and many red flame-trees are blooming
Here and there are seen very enchanting jewelled altars
above which the trees and creepers are formed like canopies
The dark tamal trees are splendrous with their bunches of fresh sprouts
and golden crepers that climb and encircle them
Temples bloom with trees of pinkish color
accented here and there by flowering mango-saplings
At the base of the trees are seen beautiful groups of rose-apples-bushes, jackfruits and so many juicy limes

The inner part of the forest is surrounded by groves of banana trees
Some are bearing ripe fruits while others bear unripe green ones
Rows and rows of coconut trees hold many, many fruits
Among the rows of betel trees are date-palms and wood apple trees
There are sweet jujube berries, oranges, plums, plus cardamon and clove vines
All the fruit and flower trees are so full with offerings
that their branches bend down and touch the ground
Pomegranates are bursting and soaking the ground with their juice
Hedges of jujube berris appear very beautiful

There so many varieties of trees that they defy description

In the center of the garden is a colorful temple
Just in front of its a lake full of cool waters
The landing steps are formed of crystal slabs
On four sides are four bathing places inlaid with jewels
Surrounding the lake are lilies of the valley formed of gold, whithe siphalika flowers, golden champaka creepers, and moonlike mallika jasmines
All these beautiful flowerbeds line the bank of the lake
and their reflections can be seen in its pure waters
From the weight of al the flowers, their stems bend down and caress the surface of the water
Sweet little ripples move along with the gentle breeze
Lotuses of white, blue, red and more are in full bloom
These lotuses sway so much that the bumblebees cannot land on them
Greedy for honey, millions of bees fly all around
Royal swans, storks, herons, partridges and many other birds
playfully sport in all directions
The fish living within the water move about by the hundreds
In a golden temple, upon a golden altar
sits Lord Gora of golden complexion
Surrounding Him are his associates also of gloden complexion
Their limbs tremble out of pure prema and their eyes are wet with tears

There arre twelve gates supported by reddish-golden pillars
On the outside are golden posts holding up a nice canopy
These gates are interwoven with garlands of mallika-jasmines
The top edges have clusters of hanging sapphires that sway to and fro
The East courtyard has groves of divine Tulasi plants
The west Courtyard has groves of clorful flame - trees
The North and South have grasses of dark syamal color
which bring to mind soft pillows to sit on

Pet deer roam all about in search of grass to eat
and they spread their eyes wide upon beholding the beauty of Gauranga
A peacock allights from a magnolia tree upon seeing gora there and begins to dance in great happiness
The trees and creepers all bloom with golden flowers
The forest is perpetually served by the Six Seasons
The sparrows chirp loudly and the cuckoos are all pervading
Male and female waterfowl wander around on the ground
Parrots see ripe bimba berries and peck them with their beaks
Bluebirds and doves sport within the trees

Meditations on the Vrindavan Pastimes

Female and male parrots call out
"Jai Sri Sachi Nandana!
Glory to the life and soul of Narahari and Gadadhara!
Glory, glory to the Lord of Laksmi Vishnu Priya's life!
Glory, glory to Radha and Krishna who have united in one form!
Glory, glory to He who has manifested all these desire-fulling trees!
Each and every one of our Vrindavan-vasis
has increase their prema unlimitedly by sporting here in Navadvipa!

Vishvambhara hears these statement of the parrots
and remembers the lila of Radha and Krishna at Radha Kunda within his mind:

One moment He says, "Who has stolen my flute?"
The next moment He says, "Just see! I have defeated you at dice!"
The next moment He says, "Let there be water-sports in this kunda!"

The next moment He says, "Come on! Let us go to the place of Surya-puja!"
The next moment He begins walking, holding Gadadhara's hand

Thus He plays with His devotees in the flower garden
They adorn Him with flower armlets, necklaces, and hair-ties
They scatter flower all around until the earth is completely covered
The fragrance attracts thick swarms of bumblebees hovering about
From moment to moment Prabhu goes the base of each and every tree and sports there, being cooled by the shade
They make relishable music as they paly on mrindangas and vinas
Some dance and some make nice rhythms by clapping their hands

The sweetness of this forest is equal to that of Vrindaban
and the Lord eternally sports here with His associates
Many groups of male servants clean up the groves

It is impossible to describe these limitless forest pastimes

The servant of the servant of Sri Gauranga and Nityananda
Krishna Dasa narrates the Lord's pastimes