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Earth Expands? - subtle?
Govindaram - Sat, 31 Jan 2004 11:42:18 +0530
Radhe to all devotees
I have a question about the earth and how it supported so many millions and millions of soldiers in dwapara-yuga, was the earth a different shape back then?
If you could provide sciptural evidence it would be grand
Elpis - Sun, 01 Feb 2004 01:09:16 +0530
QUOTE(Govindaram @ Jan 31 2004, 01:12 AM)
I have a question about the earth and how it supported so many millions and millions of soldiers in dwapara-yuga, was the earth a different shape back then?
If you could provide sciptural evidence it would be grand
I once did some calculations involving the sizes of the armies of Rama and Ravana as given in the Ramayana. Comparing these numbers with the dimensions of the Earth, there would only be an atomic area for each soldier to stand on...
The dimensions of the flat Earth given in the puranas might accomodate the numbers better (I have not checked). I do not know of any references to the Earth changing shape.
But why not just assume that the stories just got better and better, the numbers larger and larger, with time?
Since this thread is entitled 'Earth Expands?' then I want to add that according to the Indian tradition, the diameter of the Earth is considered to increase by a certain amount during a kalpa due to the various waste products left behind by its inhabitants.
Elpis - Mon, 27 Sep 2004 03:13:05 +0530
QUOTE (Elpis @ Jan 31 2004, 03:39 PM) |
Since this thread is entitled 'Earth Expands?' then I want to add that according to the Indian tradition, the diameter of the Earth is considered to increase by a certain amount during a kalpa due to the various waste products left behind by its inhabitants. |
I never cited anything in support of this, so here is a verse which makes this statement (ZiSyadhIvRddhidatantra 18.20):
hiraNyagarbhasya dine tu kAzyapI samantato vRddhim upaiti yojanam |
punaz ca nAzaM samupaiti vedhaso nizAtyaye kRtrimamRnmayaz ca yaH ||
Madhava - Mon, 27 Sep 2004 04:34:36 +0530
Cool! So the Vedas are the absolute truth after all!

I'll have to memorize that verse.
Elpis - Mon, 27 Sep 2004 16:55:15 +0530
QUOTE (Madhava @ Sep 26 2004, 07:04 PM) |
Cool! So the Vedas are the absolute truth after all! I'll have to memorize that verse. |
Not so hasty! We need to check with the experts whether a growth in radius of 1
yojana is an accurate measure for a span of time of 1
Madhava - Mon, 27 Sep 2004 17:07:39 +0530
But it puzzles me that they should speak of the super-string theory, yet we find no mention of the quarks.
otaM protaM paTavad yatra vizvam |
yasminn otam idaM protaM vizvaM zATIva tantuSu |
Madhava - Mon, 27 Sep 2004 18:09:20 +0530
I believe this one belongs in the "Other Topics" section...
Elpis - Mon, 27 Sep 2004 18:52:53 +0530
QUOTE (Madhava @ Sep 27 2004, 07:37 AM) |
But it puzzles me that they should speak of the super-string theory, yet we find no mention of the quarks.
otaM protaM paTavad yatra vizvam |
yasminn otam idaM protaM vizvaM zATIva tantuSu | |
Again, don't be too hasty. Do you know the passage
kva sUryaprabhavo vaMzaH from the
RaghuvaMza? Read that as
kvArkaprabhavo vaMzaH and we have a clear reference to quarks!
Elpis - Wed, 29 Sep 2004 07:27:51 +0530
Another verse of Vedic wisdom to ponder (
ZiSyadhIvRddhidatantra 19.4):
pakSasyAnte zItagoH svodaye 'ste saumye rodho vIcayo yAnti sindhoH |aurvasyAgneH sammukhaM yAnti candre vyomno madhye pakSamadhyasthite ca ||