On the northern edge of Gaur Dham colony, as the Parikrama marg approaches Sri Radha Kunda, an extraordinary temple was under construction for many years. On the 8th of November the big golden deity of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu which had been worshipped previously in a little house next to the temple and Who is bigger then lifesize, entered into the totally sandstone carved structure.
The construction of the temple reminds one a lot of the Orissa style of architecture. It is quite wonderful to see how even today the craftsmen of India can construct such a wonderful building. The inside has nice marble designs and there are many statues of Brahma, Shiva and so many other personalities inside and outside of the temple.
I see that Vina published this story in December. Anyone, is there any estimate for the construction's completion? It's been worked on for quite long, and at one point it seemed as if it didn't progress at all.