The ultimate nowhere-land. Whatever doesn't seem to fit in any of the other categories, post it in here. For example, discussions on Mahatma Gandhi and the latest news on CNN should go here.
Merry Christmas Everyone! -
Madhava - Wed, 24 Dec 2003 05:14:24 +0530
Here's our Merry Christmas card to all of you with whom we don't correspond often and couldn't therefore locate in our address books.
Madhava - Wed, 24 Dec 2003 06:58:01 +0530
The temperature is -10 C and dropping, and got 27 cm of snow yesterday. A white Christmas it is.
Rasaraja dasa - Wed, 24 Dec 2003 10:00:54 +0530
Dandavats. All glories to the Vaisnavas.
Sure feels like Christmas here... 60 degrees and sunny. I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday. May Bhakta Santa or Sriman Chanukah Harry give you the gift of sweet rice this holiday season and don't forget to save him some tofurki!
Aspiring to be a servant of the Vaisnavas,
Rasaraja, Prema Bhakti Marga, Rasa Parayana and Caitanya
Madhava - Wed, 24 Dec 2003 16:39:50 +0530
QUOTE(Rasaraja dasa @ Dec 24 2003, 04:30 AM)
Sure feels like Christmas here... 60 degrees and sunny.
I take it that we're measuring the temperature on a different scale.
TarunGovindadas - Wed, 24 Dec 2003 17:51:59 +0530
Happy X-mas from sunny cold Germoney!
Tarunji and Monika
Radhapada - Wed, 24 Dec 2003 23:16:17 +0530
Merry Christmas everyone! Spend this time with your loved ones and especially let your kids (if you have any) enjoy this holiday.
Babhru - Thu, 25 Dec 2003 01:56:22 +0530
I want to echo best Christmas wishes to all the devotees here. I especially like Radhapada's advice to spend some time with our families. Merry Christmas from chilly windward Hawaii (it got down around 65 F last night and probably won't get above 79 F today-brrr!).
sadhaka108 - Thu, 25 Dec 2003 05:45:30 +0530
SOMA - Amanita muscaria
(The hidden meanings of Christmas, the history and philosophy of Mushroom symbolism) Klaus ki JAAAAAAAAAAY!
adiyen - Fri, 26 Dec 2003 07:47:28 +0530
Yes, a Hari Christmas and a Merry Krishna to all!
adiyen junior got a Microsoft X-Box 'Beast Pack' from Santa.
The Mark of the Beast! Has Bill Gates got a sense of humour or what?
nabadip - Sun, 28 Dec 2003 16:25:03 +0530
Happy solar return to everyone, om tad vishno paramam padam...
I am a little bit amazed here that you raganugiyas seem to make more fuss about Xmas than Radhastami or Janmastami.
Not to criticize, just wondering... (I want to howl with wolves too...)
Madhava - Sun, 28 Dec 2003 20:19:23 +0530
QUOTE(nabadip @ Dec 28 2003, 10:55 AM)
I am a little bit amazed here that you raganugiyas seem to make more fuss about Xmas than Radhastami or Janmastami.
Not to criticize, just wondering... (I want to howl with wolves too...)
Well, we have long threads on
Radhastami and
Janmastami. I sent cards on both occasions to everyone. What to do, should we virtually jump up and down to express our enthusiasm for the occasion?

Like that?
nabadip - Sun, 28 Dec 2003 23:40:55 +0530
it's not just the cards, everyone seems to be gone...
Madhava - Mon, 29 Dec 2003 02:37:45 +0530
QUOTE(nabadip @ Dec 28 2003, 06:10 PM)
it's not just the cards, everyone seems to be gone...
Well, on Janmastami and Radhastami most of us don't have the time to hang around the forums all day long, while at Christmas time we do.
nabadip - Mon, 29 Dec 2003 11:36:21 +0530
I get your drift. I meant on Xmas everyone was gone.
Rasaraja dasa - Mon, 29 Dec 2003 22:24:46 +0530
QUOTE(nabadip @ Dec 28 2003, 10:06 PM)
I get your drift. I meant on Xmas everyone was gone.
Dandavats. All glories to the Vaisnavas.
This is probably because most of us come from non Vaisnava families and if you still have contact with family (i.e. damn meat eating, sex having, football betting and beer drinkering birthfolk!

) then this holiday season is the one to visit as most families come to one place to celebrate together. OF course as devotees we go to PREACH, PREACH and PREACH some more (and maybe even get a present or two... for the lord of course!)

Aspiring to be a servant of the Vaisnavas,
Rasaraja dasa
Madhava - Tue, 30 Dec 2003 02:20:30 +0530
That's a favorite Hare Krishna hobby all right. How to present philosophy in such a way that it annoys an optimally great amount of guests in a family gathering. Don't forget to take the bell with you; you need to ring it now and then to keep people aware that there's a sadhu in the house they should associate with for their upliftment.
nabadip - Tue, 30 Dec 2003 02:35:26 +0530
Rasaraja das, you are describing an American, at best anglo-saxon situation. Xmas is no famîly reunion for everyone in the world. Don't know about Finland, I think in Western Europe in general this is not the case. We do not have these far distances that you do, that a poor turkey or some other strange food has to get everyone together. Sure, the love of family is not to be disregarded by itself.
By the way, I think it is really great that one good forum on the www is not U.S. dominated... so your common place Amway standards cannot be globalized,; no offence intended though; it is just that for once Europeans can speak for themselves without always having to refer to Big Brother's standards. But I am still amazed everyone seemed gone at Xmas... May be gone to do some extra japa for the best of the world.
Rasaraja dasa - Tue, 30 Dec 2003 06:07:39 +0530
Dandavats. All glories to the Vaisnavas.
When of when will I learn that sarcasm does not work on the internet!
My wife and kids hung around the house, painted Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Radha Gopicandras alter and ate some delicious prasadam.
Aspiring to be a servant of the Vaisnavas,
Rasaraja dasa
nabadip - Tue, 30 Dec 2003 10:45:10 +0530
That was not sarcasm. That was realism. Jai Nitai.
Jagat - Tue, 30 Dec 2003 18:54:18 +0530
I am also glad to see that Americans do not dominate this forum.

And the ones we have here are mostly "good" Americans, not the "ugly" kind.
The only trouble is that we still are stuck with English as our medium, which leaves some at an unfortunate disadvantage. Universal translators are still not at the point where someone can make a joke in Slovakian and have a Portuguese speaking person laugh.
Kalkidas - Tue, 30 Dec 2003 19:35:40 +0530
QUOTE(Jagat @ Dec 30 2003, 01:24 PM)
The only trouble is that we still are stuck with English as our medium, which leaves some at an unfortunate disadvantage. Universal translators are still not at the point where someone can make a joke in Slovakian and have a Portuguese speaking person laugh.
I think, that humor is a universal thing...

Of course, the 'aerobatics' in it can make a work of translator rather difficult, nearly impossible in some cases...

Like with Alice's adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll... But still something could be done even with such difficult pieces.
Ah! It's obviously late to wish Merry Christmas, if nobody celebrate it at January 7, like orthodox christians do here in Russia (and other orthodox countries, like Greece, for instance), so, happy New Year to everyone!
sadhaka108 - Mon, 12 Jan 2004 11:01:21 +0530
so, happy New Year to everyone!
What if the devotee do not use the gregorian calendar?
Please, can someone give more info about the vaishnava calendar?
Yellow Magnetic Human