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Sri Krsna's final teaching - From Gita

Madanmohan das - Sat, 20 Aug 2005 16:48:29 +0530
biggrin.gif Sri Krsna's final teaching in the Gita;

mA zucah

Don't worry.
Madanmohan das - Sat, 20 Aug 2005 17:07:31 +0530
Then one might pray;

sthitih sevA gatiryAtrA smRtiscintA* stuti vacah/
bhuyAd sarvAtmana viSNo madIyam tvayi ceSTitam//

O Visno! may the haviors of my entire self be directed unto thee alone;
may my estate be that of the servile disposition; may my wanderings be
as holy pilgramage; may my thoughts and care be thy hallowed rememberance;
and may my speach be employed in uttering hymns in praise of thee.

* blush.gif smRtiscintA let my worry, anxcious care and thoughts consist of recolection of thee.