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Audio recordings of Ananta Das Babaji sought - Please share what you have

Madhava - Fri, 17 Sep 2004 00:36:32 +0530
I am calling out to all who have audio recordings of Sri Ananta Das Babaji's lectures at their disposal. If what you have isn't available at Raganuga.Com, please share it with me and we'll make it available. You can either send the tapes to me by mail or if you wish, you can upload them to our server in a digital format, preferably in a reasonably high quality (128kbps mp3 will do) to allow us to clean up the sound if necessary. If it's translations, please ensure that you have the translator's permission for sharing it, and please also try to ensure that the translation is of reasonable quality. I am particularly interested in original Bengali pathas though.

I'd like to see how much I can cover here in the West, and what I need to be looking for during my upcoming visit to Vraja. I would naturally prefer to get as much as possible done while in the West so as to save my time in Vraja for things I can do only there.

Yes, and if someone has any other pathas by other sAdhus, I would be interested as well. Please either PM me here or send e-mail to madhava at raganuga dot com.